Chapter 41

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~Kazumi's POV~

I yawned and readjusted my shawl on my shoulders. One of my hands had a pot's handle, the other rubbed my already large belly. My feet rubbed my cats' under their chins.

I woke up in the middle of the night, craving warm milk. I thought about waking Madara to get me that but he was too tired from the training session so I felt guilty about thinking it. I decided to do it myself.

Another yawn found its way and I felt myself getting drowsy.

" What are you doing?" My eyes fully opened at my husband's voice. I halfway turned to him.

" Warming milk-"

" You go sit, I'll warm it for you." He took the handle from me and guided me to a chair and sitting me down, went to get me my milk. I smiled. It felt good.

Soon, he placed a cup in front of me and a bowl in front of my cats. I took a drink from it and immediately spit it.

" Wha-" Before Madara had time to ask me about it, I yelled it.

" You call this warm?! Its fricking boiling!!"

" Sorry sorry." He apologised repeatedly and took the cup from my hands, and went who knows where but when he returned, I had a very yummy milk.


"Madara, you ok?" I asked my husband for the tenth time that day. He seemed troubled since a few days ago. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and nodded.

Just a few days ago Hashirama was named the Hokage and they had a little chat about something which I suppose is the true cause of this behaviour.

" Kazumi... I..." I stood up from the bed carefully and walked to my needle-head.

" Yes?" I placed a hand on his cheek and smiled to encourage him.

" You know I love you right?" I nodded and raised my eyebrow, confused where this question would lead. " I really love you but.."

My heart stopped.

What is he going to say? That he is leaving again? Is there a fight going on between the two clan heads?

" What, Madara, just say it." He sighed and took a deep breath. I prepared myself for the worst possible thing. But what he spoke was the worst of worst.

" I am leaving Konoha and planning to kill Hashirama."

It took me a while to absorb this information but once it sunk in, I stepped back a few paces and looked at him horridly.

" W-what?! Why-"

" It is necessary." This was a shock to me and my condition had my breathing labouring. I secured my baby-bump so I would feel more protected in front of this man who I no longer recognised.

" So you'd just leave me behind? Leave this child behind? Who, as soon as he is born, they'd do I don't know what to him! How can you be so selfish into thinking that?! Did you even consider this?!" His silence told me that he did. " You are a monster." These were the words needed to break the invincible Uchiha Madara.

" Kazumi listen to me-" He advanced but I held a hand up to keep him away.

" Don't touch me-aah!" Of all the bad times for these cramps to start. I quickly sat down on the bed and tried keeping my screams at bay. My baby would be born just hours from now if all goes smoothly. I was so blinded by pain that I even let Madara touch me.

" I am sorry about this Kazumi but this has to be done." I had a feeling he was not talking about leaving. I looked at him through cloudy eyes, mouthing a half 'what'. " You cannot go into labour yet."

What did he mean?

" I love you."

He said and did some real quick handsigns. A light shone so bright that it blinded me for a few seconds until I felt myself freezing.

What did he do?



¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now