Chapter 39

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~Kazumi's POV~


Another day without Madara. Another day without wholeness. Another day without my other half.

It has been a week already. The battles between Senju and Uchiha usually lasted a few days over a week but I felt like this would be over soon.

Madara escorted me back to the Uchiha compounds and had almost the entire clan guarding me. Even though I was always surrounded by people, I felt lonely.

I want my Madara back.

I put my glass filled with water down and sighed again at the boring air that surrounded me. It was all so boring without Madara to tease.

I looked around at all the people but all of a sudden my vision was not focused and I had a deep pain rooting from my heart, following by a cough.

It was the same feeling. I was phasing.

Had something happened to Madara? Is he ok? Is he safe?

I had no time to think about anything before she started taking over. I was caving in her darkness, trying desperately to free myself.


She sung, like I would ever answer her. I kept quiet, focusing on my training and what memories I had. None of it worked. I shut my eyes tighter, trying again and again, however, all of it in vain.

Madara, help me.

At this rate I would be hurting everyone around me. I did not want that. What if I accidentally hurt a kid? Or an old person?

I don't want this!

I closed my eyes tighter still and clenched my teeth. I won't let her win this time.

I wanted to see Madara again!

To know he was ok.

To tend to him if he is not.

She can't keep me here!

I am Sonaeru Kazumi. I am strong. I am the real owner of this vessel. I. Will. Win.

~Madara's POV~

To feel triumphant on my return, would be wrong of me, but there was a sense of victory nestled in my heart.

I walked through the crowd of Uchihas, welcoming me and my fellow men with big smiles and cheers. But their happiness meant little to me as my eyes kept searching for Lady Uchiha.

I was disappointed when I did not see her but it worried me more than any feeling of let-down. I had bled on the battlefield and its possible outcome scared me.

Is she ok?

I ordered a few men to take care of the matters that involved the return and I went to my quarters, immediately.

It has been two weeks since I last saw Kazumi and today she did not show up by the entrance of the compounds, it seemed strange and worrisome to me.

I quickly arrived home and looked around for her. This struck me as nostalgic for this has happened before and the last time, I found her broken.

I went to the backyard where I found her last time. One glance and she wasn't there so I turned back. But I made a second glance out of instinct and I found her or maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me.


Slowly, she turned her face around and instantly a smile was on her face that melted my heart and made it harder for me to even think of going on a battle ever again.

" Madara! Welcome home~" She sung and jumped on me, kissing me hard.

I was too stunned to respond but I did. As soon as she let go of me, I mouthed the questions that raced my mind.

" How?" She giggled and let me stand up and guided me to the porch where we both stood.

" You got hurt during the battle, didn't you?"

" Yes."

" Well, I managed to suppress her Madara. That training paid off!"

" But your hair-"

" I got my colour back!" She was so happy. Her smiles were contagious.

" I love you." I spoke, looking in her turquoise eyes. " I love you so much." I Hugged her.

" Hai, hai."

All this time I was worried that I might have hurt her but she showed me that she is not weak.

" I am sorry for not having enough faith in you, Kazumi."

" Ah, don't worry. I thought you died too." She joked which made me hug her harder but laugh at the same time.

" I really love you."




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¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now