Chapter 8

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~Kazumi's POV~

I stiffened. My eyes were wide and my breathing had stopped. Only one thought ran through my mind.


I slowly turned my head and looked behind me for the source of voice. Sure enough, my turquoise eyes locked with glowing red ones.

I am doomed!

I gulped and completely turned around and faced Madara with an annoyed face. If I counter him with my own questions then probably he would leave me alone.

" Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I asked/whispered. I did not want to raise my voice and wake everybody then get in trouble.

" I can ask you the same thing." Even though I could not see his face, I could hear the smirk.

" I asked first." I started walking to the kitchen and Madara followed me.

" I wanted to see for myself if you were telling the truth or not."

" I wanted to get some water." I replied after him. " You shouldn't be snooping around at this hour. If somebody caught you, it would mean trouble." I got some water in a glass and sat by the table to gulp it down.

" Well, I was caught. Wouldn't you tell anyone?" He sat opposite to me. The kitchen was slightly illuminated because of the moonlight seeping through the windows.

" What were you doing anyways?" I asked.

" I think I already told you that. Hn, pathetic woman, forgetting things." 

" If you continue being so harsh, I will tell on you."

" I would too. That you have been doing forbidden things."

" You don't have any proof and I didn't do anything wrong." I shrugged trying to convince him that what he saw was a lie.

" Oh right. Training with your bodyguard and learning medical ninjutsu is not forbidden, correct me if I am wrong." That smirk.

" I asked for a proof." I narrowed my eyes and balled my hands into fists.

" You have medicine related books hidden under your floor." My eyes widened again. " By the look on your face, I am assuming it is true."

" H-how did you know?"

" You cannot deceive an Uchiha, nakimushi. Especially me." He scoffed.

" I can't believe you were spying on me!" Now I raised my voice by accident.

" Your foolishness can really cost you your freedom, do you know that?" 

I was angry now.

" I-"

" Who is there?!" A guard exclaimed coming in the kitchen with lights.

If I was caught, I would surely get in some serious trouble. If father found out, he would ask for reasons and probably search my room too. He would call Yasu and make him spill the secrets. I cannot let that happen but I don't have any time to hide!

Maybe the fear of what was about to happen too visible on my face because the moment the guard arrived in the kitchen, Madara grabbed my arm and hid us in the shadows, with one of his arm across my waist and the other on my mouth. My back was fully pressed against his chest and I could feel the blood rising to my face at his closeness.

When the guard was gone, I quickly pushed myself away from him and slapped him, for the second time! 

" Do not touch me, again." I whispered in a low growl.

" A thank you would have been nice but I guess all women are like this." Madara said rubbing his cheek.

" I never asked you to help me." I retorted.

" Well then, next time you are welcome to get caught because of your own carelessness."

" Right back at you."

" Hn."

" Hn!" I threw those two alphabets at him and stomped to my room.

That hariyama! Who the hell does he think he is?!

~Madara's POV~

" Nii-san, you seem upset. Did something happen?" I looked at Izuna with an annoyed look apparent on my face.

" Nothing happened." Even though I said it, I was beyond pissed at what happened yesterday night.

I had saved that girl again and all I received was a slap, again. Just how pathetic can this girl get?!

" Doesn't seem like it."

" Be quiet." Now my anger leaked in my voice.

" But-" A knock on our guest room door made me look up from my hands. Izuna opened the door and a guard came in and bowed.

" Madara-sama, Takahiro-sama has called for you." He said. I nodded and he left.

I sighed and got up from my bed and to where the clan leader was. All the way I wondered what he wanted but I smirked when I thought of something.

I bowed a little then went to take a seat opposite from the Sonaeru clan leader. He cleared his throat.

" I will get straight to the point." I raised my eyebrow and waited. " I need you to spy on Kazumi."


¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now