Chapter 1

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" Hime-sama! Hime-sama!" I opened my eyes and yawned. I sat up in my bed and furrowed my brows as my turquoise orbs searched for the source of the voice. " Hime-sama! Get up! Its time for breakfast! Your father is waiting for you!" This was when realisation struck me like a lightning bolt...


Panic starting setting in and I quickly got out of bed. I didn't want to face father's wrath again. Gathering my clothes, I opened the door of my room and let Kaori-chan in. 

She was my personal maid since a ten year old can't do all the stuff herself. Mom and her were very good friends well, they had some other sort of relationship because when nobody was there for Kaori-chan, my mother helped her to her feet and so when my mother died, she volunteered to look after me. And by the way, Kaori-chan was just sixteen.

" How long has otou-san been waiting?" I asked as we both made our way to my bathroom where Kaori-chan would help me bath.

" Its still an hour before he wakes up-"

" You tricked me again!" I made a face but then giggled when she started tickling me. She was like a motherly figure to me. Ever since I lost my mom, she has helped me with most of my stuff.

" Come on, let's go clean you up."

" Hmm!"

We both went to the bathroom and I immediately jumped in the tub that had just the right water temperature. Water splashed everywhere and I laughed.

" Hime-sama, what if I had slipped? You need to be more careful."

" I am just ten Kaori-can, I promise I will mature with time." I said as I began to undress and my maid began to shampoo my bob-cut dark-blue hair.

It took about an hour to shower and getting dressed then Kaori-chan went with other maids to help them prepare breakfast and I just sat in the living room bored out of my mind. Seriously, there wasn't enough entertainment for a child.

" Oh, you're up already. I thought you would sleep in again." My head snapped in the direction of my father who entered the living room and came to sit beside me.

" Ohayo, otou-san."

" Ohayo, Kazumi." Then I pouted.

" Kaori-chan tricked me and told me I slept in but when I woke up, we still had plenty of time. And this kimono is too hard to put on and its too heavy. Can't I wear normal clothes like the rest of the clan?" He placed a hand on my head and laughed.

" I guess being the clan leader's daughter isn't the easiest job in the world."

" Its too hard, otou-san! Even though I'm just a kid, when I walk around the clan, old ladies try pairing me with their grandsons! I don't like it!"

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now