Chapter 38

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Are you ready?" I gulped and nodded to Madara, sitting opposite to me with his arms crossed against his chest and face as stern as ever. I, on the other hand was trembling and scared but tried maintaining my composure for what was about to come.

The cat lady gave us directions for a house further into the abandoned town. We found it and the very next day I sat here on the open ground, ready to train. Even though it was my idea, I felt like stupid even thinking of this.

" Remember, you are the one who should be in control, not her." I nodded once again and focused my eyes on Madara before he bit his lip and blood started oozing from there, making me stare at the red liquid, making me phase.

I felt the familiar thumping of my heart and soon my vision was clouded and I was in the all-too-known realm of my other self.

I remembered what my husband told me, she can't hurt me. It was true because she never had after I phased. They were all just words and threats.

" Oh~ Kazumi, how nice of you to drop by~" She sang. I ignored her and sat down, focusing all my energies to my senses that responded to the world. It was hard. Very hard. I had known my body and soul for about nineteen years and such a shame that I could not remember what it felt like to be in control.

" Kazumi~"

I tried tuning her out. I tried my best. Madara said she can't hurt me but, she could touch me.

" I can't hurt you in here, your man was right." I paid no heed. " But, you don't know what will be happening out there."

My eyes shot open.

~Madara's POV~


This woman, is lethal and fidgety.

Kazumi phased and I waited and waited for any signs or hints of my Kazumi under the ruthless and wild woman she phased into but I did not see her. So I decided to help her turn back.

I caught the beast in a hold-lock and tried making her look in my sharingan but she was moving too much and knew of my intentions.

" She can't do it. She can't control me." She laughed and sang. While her guard was down taunting, I grabbed her face and made her look at me.

" But I can." My sharingan bore into hers until I saw the familiar blue eyes, however a little faded.

Kazumi got out of my grip and pushed me away, falling on the ground in the process, breathing hard all the while.

" You-you said she can't hurt me." She said in a little voice, a scared voice. I walked to her.

" Did she hurt you?" I asked, bending to her and the moment I did, she clung on my shirt and looked at me like she would cry any second.

" No...but..."

" What?"

" When I am not in control, she could hurt you!"


" We will try again." I looked at Madara from the ground. We decided to train again and again and again but it has been three weeks and there has been no progress.

" I-I can't do it Madara." I told him truthfully.

" What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes and I gulped.

" I can't remember the feeling of being in control. It doesn't come to my mind." I said and stood up.

He stared at me silently. I don't know what he must be thinking under that completely straight face. I looked at him once then went in the house to make something to eat.

While I was cooking, my mind went back to the weeks we spent here and the occasional worried look on my husband's face as if he wanted to tell me something but couldn't. I wonder what it is.

I ate quietly and scrubbed cleaned the dishes then went to my shared room with Madara. He was still out there. I fell on the bed and sighed. I have plenty of strong memories and feelings but they are not strong enough to help me.

I heard loud sounds of a hawk from the window and looked out to Madara receiving it. It had a message. He read it and sent the hawk back. I caught his eyes before he crumbled the letter and came to me in the room.

" What did it say?" I asked him, standing in front of him.

" Before that, there's something else."

" About darn time." I shrugged when received a look. " Come sit down." I took his hand and led him to the bed.

" During our last battle with the Senjus, when Izuna..." I bit my lip. " He got injured... Hashirama, he.."

" Come on, say it." I encouraged seeing the troubled look on his face and knowing the constant need to avoid eye contact.

" Hashirama offered a truce."

" And?"

" Izuna was badly injured at that time so I could not think about it and now I received a letter telling about another battle with the Senjus." I took a deep breath. He wanted my opinion, that was clear. But to side with either would be unfair. So I guess I should tell him what I really think about it.

" Madara, a truce? Really? After all you both have done to each other? Killed so many men? Widowed so many wives and orphaned so many children? How can he even think about it? They killed our brother for frick's sake!"

He was taken aback. Surely this was not expected. But I was not finished.

" Accept it though. If you can. I don't care about the rest of the world but I don't want to be widowed and my babies won't be orphaned. I know you are strong dear, I believe in you. But I am sorry that there is always someone stronger. They got Izuna. I don't want you gone, mildly hurt even."

" Kazumi.." I had small tears in my eyes at the thought of losing him.

" I love you and I know you love me so leaving me alone would be a really monstrous thing to do, even for you. And you can't get hurt you know that. I can't gain control from Her. I-I can't remember when she's in control. So don't leave me. Either accept the truce or just kill them all so they won't bother us again."

" I won't ever, leave you alone." I smiled at his words and leaned in at the same time as him, meeting him in a kiss. He parted shortly. " As for a memory strong enough, I can help you with that."

Before I had the time to think about what he would do, he attacked me with so many kisses, that I fell on my back on the bed and him, dominating me. No surprise there.

His lips moved from mine to my chin, to my throat and to my collar bone and when my top was slid off my shoulder for exposure, only then I figured out what he meant by "memory strong enough".

It was ok though. I wanted this. I wanted us to be united in bodies too, now that we practically had our souls united. But seemed like Madara was still hesitant because he stopped and looked deep enough in my eyes to find any doubts or resistance that he could have taken for a no. But none.

" I love you, Madara."

" I love you, Kazumi."

Small words, big meaning. Our last sane and actual words for the rest of the night because after these, there were only moans and groans, pain and pleasure.

It really was a 'memory strong enough".


Sorry! Really.

I was occupied with my Japanese speech contest and hey, your author-sama got first position :D

Hurray! :D

Anyways, :') sweet moment 


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