Chapter 36

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Aah! Wait! My shoe slipped off!" I exclaimed, extending one of my arm in front of me, the other went back to fix my shoe but it was a very difficult task since my kimono prevented movement of sorts.

" What are you doing woman?!" I flinched but glared at Madara who yanked my shoe from my hand and took care of it, himself. " Now don't lag behind."

" Alright hariyama." I stuck a tongue out at him and silently followed.

When I last went into my darker realm where my other half resided, I decided to not give in anymore. So when I woke up, I had a new spirit to want to have control on my phasing.

I asked Madara to help me with it and he was surprisingly obliging. Right now, we were going to a secluded location away from the clan grounds so he could help me.

" Wait!" I called again and this time, stopped and sat on the ground to take off my shoes.

" What now?" He walked back to me and bent down.

" I can't walk like this." I complained, feeling the painful bristles under my feet.

" You can walk on glass and splinters but can't handle little bristles?" Madara mocked with a grin. I hit his arm and pouted.

" I have never walked such long distances and they hurt!"

" Stop crying." He patted my head and stood up. " There isn't much distance left-"

" I'm still not walking hariyama."

" I'm not asking you to nakimushi." I looked at him to see what he was up to when he bent down again, his back facing me.

" Eh?"

" Jump on."

" Eh!!!"

We have had closure before but that was mostly reluctant so this being intentional, my heart pounded and my face went red.

" Hurry up." I nodded meekly and slowly made my way on my husband's back. All the while, red in the face. " I don't know why you are still so shy."

" I don't know myself." I spoke quietly, my small voice big in his left ear. " But I like being close to you."

" I like having you close to me."


" Finally!" I sang and sighed in relief when I found a proper chair to sit on. Though Madara said this place would be secluded, I could easily tell somebody lived here.

" Stay here, I will-"

" Yo! Madara-boy!"

" Madara-boy!"

" Pff-ahahahahahahaha!!" I couldn't control my laughter when these two cats appeared who seemed to speak human and on top of that, they called him, Madara-boy. I was glared at by Madara-boy for laughing.

" Are you here to see her?" One cat asked to whom Madara nodded.

" Our payment." The other said and upon cue, a bottle of catnip was handed to them, yes, handed.

This was a little hard to bear since just now some cats appeared and they spoke like humans and knew Madara and were casual with him and stuff.

" Who's the girl though?" I looked more cautiously at them since I somehow found it hard to believe that animals could speak.

" Ooi! She must be Lady Uchiha!" The cats talked amongst themselves. I shrugged and took off my shoes while Madara also talked to them. He was talking to animals. I would have instantly jumped on these cats if they had 'meow'ed instead of 'yo'.

I remembered that since my father's seal was gone, I could use chakra to heal my feet and that's what I did. My chakra was disrupted and broken at first but I soon found that professional flow.

I was just about done when my ears caught a part of the conversation the three were having.

" Have you," The cat winked and continued, "done it yet?"

I wanted to hide my burning face and never show it again.

" Doesn't look like it." They whispered. I looked at Madara and found him staring back so I immediately diverted my gaze but I could tell he was still looking. It was a far off gaze.

Come to think of it, does he want to?

" There is a lot going on so I do not want to burden my love." I felt ashamed at Madara's answer. He thought it would be a burden to me but.... " Oi you darn cats! Stay out of our lives!"

This certainly gave me a lot to think.

" Alright grumpy."

" Madara-boy, Kazumi-chan. Follow us."

How do they know my name? This bothered me a little but not as much as the thoughts that now filled my head. Madara and I, we just maintained a little closure and now this! It made me create an awkward distance from him.

I will tell him it's not a burden to me but also my wish.


Soooo sorrrryyyyyyy!!!

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Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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