Chapter 14

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~Kazumi's POV~


I looked at my father who had a really big frown on his face. I knew he would find out eventually but I never prepared myself to face the consequences.

The air in the infirmary got thick just by his presence alone and I gulped. I didn't have time for this. Madara was bleeding too much and I had to stop it before he bled out.

I did what I thought best. I ignored my father's glare and continued healing the elder Uchiha quickly before I was punished or worse taken away.

" Kazumi." He warned once again. I just kept my mind focused on the hurt hariyama. " Look here." 

" As soon as I finish healing him, I will." I retorted. I heard Yasu gasp. He knew I never dared going against my father. We had gotten into fights before over things but I always remained quiet and never spoke back. But this, was different. I would stand my ground now.

" Kazumi! Come here this instant!" I flinched when otou-san raised his voice. I was about done stopping the bleeding and closing the wound just enough that it would heal itself in no time.

I stood up and grabbed some bandages and starting wrapping them around Madara's side, all the while my face down.

" Rest well and don't do something crazy and open the wound. I probably won't be able to heal you again." I said with a smile then waved and followed my father outside of the infirmary, not looking back, even once.

We arrived at the meeting room and I was told to sit opposite of my father. I quietly sat and cast my gaze downwards to show some respect.

" You know what you have done is forbidden and yet you dare and defy my orders." Otou-san said and I sighed then looked at him.

" What was I supposed to do? Let people die for my sake? Its a stupid law to hold back women when they have potential." I said in an even tone. My father narrowed his eyes.

" You know the risks-"

" I STILL haven't phased, and I have been training for longer than five years, the seal still hasn't appeared."

" If we put women on the battlegrounds side by side with men then they have a greater chance of being taken and used by enemies!" Otou-san reasoned.

" That's a stupid reason! We can fight! We can defend ourselves! I certainly did!" Now I raised my voice. It was totally unfair.

" Don't speak back! This is what killed your mother! And you have some guts doing the same thing?! Are you insane?! Do you want to die so badly?!"

" If by calling for death we can be free and do what we want then I will die a dozen times! What you do is really unfair! If I hadn't been able to heal Madara back there, he would have bled to death!"

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now