Chapter 10

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~Kazumi's POV~

Believe me, you don't know what's coming for you.

What did he mean by that? And was he really spying? If yes, then for who? I have a feeling I am not going to like the answers to my questions. But maybe I should ask him.

" Where is your focus Kazumi?" I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head to get out of the daze. Yasu looked, angry.

" S-sorry. I was just....thinking." I replied honestly then refocused on the injured rabbit in front of me. Soon a green glow enveloped my hands and I began healing the animal.

" Oh! You are doing good!" I smiled and resumed the healing. After about ten minutes, the wounded animal was healed and in a good condition.

" Oi..... Kazumi..." I looked at Yasu with a confused look.

" Hmm?"

" What if..... Uchiha-san told Takahiro-sama that you were training?" I frowned and looked to the side.

" He is not as mean as he looks. I am sure, he won't tell."

" I am not as mean as I look?" I turned around and saw a chuckling Madara.

" Well, are you?" I asked and stood up, Yasu beside me.

" Maybe. Maybe not."

" Gaaah!! Can't you answer normally for once?!" He gave me a dark look.

" Careful with your tone. I just might spill your secret." I gasped and widened my eyes.

" You won't."

" Oh I will."

" Why would you do that?" Yasu asked.

" To get her in trouble of course." I slapped him again. This time using chakra to enhance the force of it. He rubbed his cheek. " I am really getting tired of this." Madara growled and roughly grabbed my right arm.

" Let go!"

" Now why would I do that?" I noticed Yasu urging to take action but I did it before him and kicked the Uchiha's shin hard. He let me go but soon there was a weapon in my right shoulder.

" You idiot hariyama!" I screeched and winced when I took out the kunai. My clothes were all bloodied, not to mention the pain!

" Kazumi, are you ok?!" I just nodded and gave Madara a nasty look. He didn't even look guilty. It was the first time I had a real injury and it hurt so much that I wanted to cry but that would give the Uchiha a chance to mock me.

" If I am correct, you were healing an animal before. Why not heal yourself?" He asked with an annoyed look on his face.

" First you injure me then tell me to heal myself?! Well why should I?! Maybe I should just let it get infected and bleed to death! Then I won't have to see your arrogant face again!"

" Tch."

~Madara's POV~

Pathetic nakimushi. Bad things happen when you anger me.

It was not like I wanted to hurt her but she was getting on my nerves. But somehow, I felt guilty for what I did. And then she just had to rant on continuously.

" First you injure me then tell me to heal myself?! Well why should I?! Maybe I should just let it get infected and bleed to death! Then I won't have to see your arrogant face again!" Kazumi screamed. Her bodyguard was shocked by this.

I rolled my eyes. If she died, I would lose interest in this clan. I did not fancy her or some thing of that sort but its not everyday people talk back to me and complain endlessly.

" Tch." I groaned and grabbed the crybaby with her arm, dragging her to the cabin they had in the forest, just a few paces away. " You. Stay guard." I pointed to the bodyguard.

He frowned and narrowed his eyes but when his eyes went to the girl I was holding, he nodded and stood outside the door while I led the bleeding hime inside the cabin and closed the door.

" Now will you let me go? I am bleeding as it is and your grip is just going to cause a bruise!"

" Hn." I made her sit on a chair and dragged one for myself. " Can't you heal yourself?"

" Not enough chakra and I haven't learned about healing humans yet." She said in a small voice. I could tell the pain was too much for her to bear right now.

" Where do you keep first-aid here?" I asked looking around.

" I will do it myself. Get out." She spat and walked to a cabinet. Soon I saw some ointments and bandages in her hands.

" No." She gave me a look.

" How the heck am I suppose to undress and treat my wound with you staring?" A light pink coated my cheeks, probably unnoticeable, when I remembered the kunai I threw was in the middle of her shoulder. I cleared my throat.

" I will just turn around then."

" No. Get out. I don't trust you." I looked in her eyes and sure enough there was nothing I could do to end her stubbornness.

" Fine." I opened the door and walked out with a frown. The bodyguard was confused. " She wants some privacy."

" Of course." He mocked. Some time later, the door opened again and nakimushi came out then quietly closed it. She was dressed in a kimono now.

" No bandages are showing right?" She asked her bodyguard.

" Pull the collar up a little." He adjusted her dress and I didn't know why but it sort of angered me seeing him touch her.


And just like that I walked away from the forest and to the clan leader.

There was some business to be discussed.


Well, I forgot to tell but that's Kazumi's training attire on the right! :) I drew it myself too! :D

Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now