Chapter 13

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~Madara's POV~

Where did all these villains come from?!

I was getting frustrated as I killed another one of the enemy but they weren't going down. I sighed and looked around for a particular Sonaeru. I found her bodyguard but not her. Tch.

Every shinobi the clan had was fighting, dead bodies were piling on both sides. I kept looking around for nakimushi but I guess being the pathetic girl she is, she got taken.

Just the thought of somebody taking her disturbed me but I don't know why. I looked at Izuna and nodded. He nodded back getting the message that I was leaving things here to go look for Kazumi.

I jumped from roof to roof, searching for anything that could lead me to her but I couldn't find anything. Then I heard some loud insults and the pathetic comments only a certain nakimushi can pass.

" You jerk! Don't even go there! Who the heck said I would even marry you! I am not even letting you to take me!" I heard her scream. I rolled my eyes then frowned.


I boosted to the location at lightning speed and halted when I got the vision. There were so many hooded shinobi around Kazumi, keeping her tied up by chakra ropes and then there was their leader standing in front of her.

I looked at her with my sharingan and noticed that her chakra was almost gone. She was bruised and cut in various places. Looks like she put up a fight. Heh. I landed feet away from the main enemy just in time to hear him say.

" And who will save you?"

" Its a good thing your vocals are so badly shrill, nakimushi." I said with a smirk as I crossed my arms against my chest.

" Took you long enough, hariyama." She replied with a smile. 

The enemy noticed my presence and turned to look at me through his hood.

" And just who might you be?" He asked me. I remember the voice and the chakra signature. It was similar to the villains who we spied on almost five years ago when they attacked before.

" I will give you three seconds to release her or you and I are going to dance." I said with an evil grin.

" Heh! You don't scare me!" He pointed at me. I frowned more when he signalled his men to tighten the ropes and as a result, the girl winced and I could just see even without my sharingan that all her strength was now gone. Zero. None left. She fell to her knees and coughed. I gritted my teeth. These people were going down.

" Let's dance." I spoke and attacked the men holding Kazumi in chakra ropes. I kicked and punched anyone who got in the way, killing some in the process. I didn't care. They hurt her, now they get hurt.

In less than a minute, the shinobi that had nakimushi tied up were lying lifeless on the ground. I went to the hime and offered her my hand.

" Thanks." She said and took my hand then stood up.

" About time you thank me for saving you." I scoffed.

" I have no strength to argue you." For a moment I had forgotten about the main villain but something happened that reminded me of it. " Look out!"


" You had to play hero hariyama?! Huh?! Now look at yourself!" I groaned and closed my eyes trying to tune out the constant nagging. " Jeez! You are lucky my chakra restored quickly." Kazumi quietly scolded me.

The main villain, the leader took me by surprise and managed to stab me in the side. Well, not exactly my side but nakimushi was going to take the hit for me but what kind of a man would I be if I let someone close get hurt. Huh. So I pushed her back and well..... Now she won't stop yelling at me.

The hooded shinobi disappeared as suddenly as they appeared which was quite surprising. They didn't take anyone, only damaged the clan's manpower.

The wounded were being tended to and the funerals were being arranged. Izuna stood beside my bed in the infirmary as I was being healed by the one I got hurt protecting. I don't regret it. She is worth every risk.

" I am fine. Now let me go." I said and started sitting up but I was pushed back.

" Are you mad?! You haven't even stopped bleeding!" She yelled again, getting angrier by the second. 

" I can say the same to you." I smirked at her surprise when she noticed some of her cuts were bleeding too. Then it was my turn to be surprised when she smiled out of nowhere.

" You are my first priority right now."

~Kazumi's POV~


Stupid Kazumi! You stupid brat! Think before you speak!!

My face turned completely red after I said those words and I  just dipped my head and resumed healing. I didn't hear anything from Madara after that too. Maybe he was also shocked.

" Kazumi!" I turned my head to look at Yasu and sighed in relief. " Thank goodness you are ok!" He hugged me.

" I'm glad to see your ok too." I pulled back and started healing the injured Uchiha.

" What happened to him?" Yasu asked sniggering. I frowned.

" He got hurt saving me." I said. He got the message I think. I was so absorbed in healing Madara that I completely forgot that this kind of thing was forbidden. I didn't care. I have to heal him.

" Kazumi." A strict voice spoke. I gulped and stopped, eyes widening and breathing stopping. Father.

Uh oh.


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Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^ 


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