Chapter 5

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~Madara's POV~

I sensed for something, anything in that underground place which could have caused Kazumi to scream but I realized there was no one there except for the two of us, alive that is.

I started walking to the girl cautiously, lightening the torches on my way. The place was destroyed even more from the inside and there was blood everywhere.

" Oi, get-" I started speaking but stopped myself when I heard faint sobbing from the princess. Looking a bit closer and re-activating my sharingan, I saw a few bodies on the floor. All of them were women.

Then I noticed that she was looking at one particular body. Must have known that woman. The crying was getting to my head but it was understandable why she was crying.

Its quite obvious she hasn't seen a dead body before. A mutilated one at that. The body's eyes were wide open and it were missing an arm. That one also had white hair.

" K-kaori-chan...." Kazumi whimpered and just kept crying. Now she will know the horrors of war waiting beyond her protective compound.

" Oi, let's get out of here. You might get into a shock." I said while looking around more for clues then I heard footsteps and strong chakra approaching us.

" This way!" One of them yelled and soon they came to the place where you and Kazumi were.

" Madara, what are you doing here?" Otou-san asked me in a strict tone.

" You expect me to leave an unarmed-trouble-magnet alone when she is wandering a place like this?" I retorted pointing to the crying girl beside me.

" Good point."

" Kazumi!" The other person, specifically, Takahiro crouched to his daughter's level and picked her up. She was still crying even when her father was soothing her. Jeez, pathetic crybaby. 

" Quite a few of them were taken I see." My father wondered looking around the place and into each cellar.

" I suspect they took only those who have not phased yet."


" Hmm." I looked at Takahiro who had stiffened. Following his gaze, my eyes landed on the injured body Kazumi was crying beside. 

She must have been somebody important.

I sighed and shifted my eyes to the Sonaeru clan leader when I was called. He placed his weeping daughter on the ground and motioned her towards me.

" Madara, take her to her room. Your father and I will look in this matter." I nodded and started walking but stopped when the kid wasn't following me.

" You are such a girl." I mocked and took her hand in mine. Her head snapped up and she looked at me with teary eyes. I flashed her a small smile and tugged her along with me to the surface. " Let's go."

To tell the truth even I am still a little uncomfortable seeing blood but I am sure I will get used to it soon. But this girl, it was probably her first time seeing such bloodshed. It must have scarred her for life. She must be hurt-

Ugh! I don't need to think about that! Stupid girl, confusing my mind!

~Kazumi's POV~

Madara silently led me to the upper compound. I couldn't stop crying. There was this constant pain. Familiar pain. It was as if I am going through the loss of my mother again.

My knees started getting weak as the image of Kaori-chan's injured body kept flashing in my mind. And when I thought I was all out of tears, they started flowing again.

" Stop crying, jeez. Its annoying." I yanked my hand from his grip and marched angrily to my room, not caring if that brat got lost or something. I shut the door with a loud thud and stomped towards my bed in small anger and huge sorrow. 

The other person who was like a mother to me was killed and people expect me to take it calmly?! The first time I have seen blood, of course I would have been shocked! Of course I couldn't take it lightly!

I dropped myself on my bed and wrapped the sheets around me, crying to my heart's content. A few minutes later there were knocks at the door but I didn't bother answering.

" Nii-san, maybe she doesn't want to talk." I heard Izuna's voice outside the door.

" Keep quiet." My face contorted in anger again hearing Madara's voice.

" She just lost an important person, its understandable if she is feeling down-"

" If you don't open this door I WILL break it down!" Comes the threat from the other side of the door.

I didn't care. I just wanted to be left alone. If he wants to break the door, he can. I just don't care about anything right now. I tuned everything out and felt worn out from crying so much so ultimately I fell asleep.


¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now