Chapter 27

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~Kazumi's POV~

Where am I?

To get some idea of my whereabouts, I looked around and scanned the area.


Nothing else.

What is this place?

For some reason, I was getting a little worried. I did not like this darkness. It had an ominous feeling.

" Hello?!" I yelled and decided to move forward but my feet were glued to the ground. Now, I was worried AND scared.

I tried freeing myself by constantly tugging on my feet but my efforts were in vain.

Where is that hariyama when one needs him?! Ugh!

" Madara!!" I yelled on top of my lungs, wishing my voice would reach him. " Madara!!"

I coughed and soothed my aching throat. This place was scaring the stuffing out of me.

" Calling out for your beloved here is useless~" A female voice sang.

I looked here and there but I saw nobody, until it called again.

" He cannot rescue you from yourself~"

" Show yourself!" I exclaimed and took a defensive stance. I noticed that I was still in my training attire so as soon as a feet would be let go of, I was run away.

" Do not yell at yourself, baka~" This time, a vague white figure stood in the distance. A lady clad in white, but not clothing, they

" Who are you?!" My throat was getting sore now.

" I" She whispered, suddenly appearing right beside me. I could have moved a step back if my feet were free.

She chuckled and stepped back and that was when I looked at her form and froze.


A woman with spiky white hair and white eyes. She was me. Her hair so long that it covered her entire body. She bared her teeth in a grin and I saw that they were pointed.

Thats right. I know who she is. She is my...other self.

" What am I doing here?" I asked her, in a calmed tone. Now that I knew who I was with, my fear had subsided. She smirked.

" It is about time, Kazumi~"

" What?"

" I think you know very well~" She laughed in the end and again, came close to me and this time, placed her long nailed hands on my chest and pressed them in my flesh. " The people out there are getting worried~ Especially, your, husband~"

I had no time to react to her words as she penetrated her nails in my flesh and they grew out of my back. I should have been in pain but there wasn't any.

" There~ Now I won't have to secretly envy your blue hair~" As soon as those words were said, she started disappearing and right at that particular moment, there was jolting pain throughout my body.

" What did you do?!" I yelled even though I knew the answer. I screamed when my back started hurting as if somebody threw acid on it.

My vision started fading and my consciousness was being swayed away. The pain was the only thing I could feel.

~Madara's POV~

Why is she not waking up?!

I was worried sick about Kazumi and some of it was starting to get visible.

I paced the bedroom as some medics were checking my wife, again. Izuna was out getting some medicines.

The more time passed by with Kazumi unconscious, the more I thought about the reason behind finding mu wife in a puddle of blood upon arriving home.

" Madara-sama." A medic got my attention and I stopped to look at him.

" What?"

" Lady Uchiha's condition has been stabilised and we have gotten her new IVs." He informed.

" Any news on when she would wake up?" I asked, getting irritated by the second.

" That is still not known to us." He answered with a bow and I dismissed him.

Sighing, I went to my waifu's bed and sat by her, taking a hold of her hand.

Wake up already.

It was just a matter of me wishing for it and it happened. I felt a light squeeze on my hand holding Kazumi's.  I looked down to see her staring at me with almost dead eyes and no emotion at all.

I was relieved that she woke up but there was something odd about her eyes. I continued to stare in them and got lost as they slowly started to lighten up. My trance was broken when suddenly, the woman sat up and looked here and there, scared. 

" Kazumi calm down. Its just me." I told her in a small voice but it was like I was invisible to her.

I activated my sharingan and noticed her chakra was distorted, like somebody placed her in a horrible genjutsu.

I placed my arms on her shoulders and prevented her movement because for one, it was causing the IV needle to move and make her bleed and second, she was obviously scared.  But of what?

I didn't think twice before pulling my love in a tight hug that provided comfort and also restricted movement. She resisted and thrashed for a moment or two but soon calmed down. And to my surprise, clung to me for dear life.

No words were exchanged between the two of us as we just sat there and hugged. I infused some of my chakra in her to get hers to become normal.

Some time later I had to let her go and let a medic fix her IVs again. When he left, I went in the room with the intention of interrogating Kazumi  but the scenario made it impossible.

She was silently weeping.

I don't know what happened to her before she passed out and while she was out cold but it certainly was something important. Something that made her sad. Something that made her scared.

I didn't try prying for any information but just sat with the broken girl and comforted her.

" Madara, about-" She started speaking but I didn't want her to strain herself. She could always tell me later.

" Ssshhh. Just rest for now." I told her and kissed her forehead. It continued to surprise me in how she kept obeying me but I was grateful for that.

Her rest and health mattered the most right now.


Hey guys! I'm begging you all! Do read the "Unsolicited Love" please! Its good I promise ya! Its in my works!

Vote and comment!

Thank you!

Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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