Chapter 43

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~Kazumi's POV~

I was resting, with my baby bundled in my arms, sleeping with a small smile and the medic girl who helped me stayed by my side, like a sister.

My baby was a healthy boy, whom I named Shinji, without consulting Madara. He had no say in this. Speaking of Madara, he would be getting a bad beating because when he was fighting all this time, I could feel his pain or where he was stabbed or wounded and it scared me but made me all the more angry at him.

I slept for a whole day but when I was awake, the medic, whose name I forgot, filled me on everything about this era. I was grateful to her. Even though, she was forced and threatened, I presumed, she took care of me as a real medic.

My chakra which was zero when I became, alive, again, was returning quickly and I felt more strength in me by the passing minute.

I poked Shinji in his cheeks, and laughed at his little movements. I made Zetsu make a window in the cave wall. I needed some light but since it was nighttime now, my window was covered. Zetsu himself, I don't know went where but as I thought about it, he came back, with a real nasty smirk on his face.

Before I could ask him anything, I felt weird all over, like too much power was being forced into me. Soon I recalled, Madara and I were still connected. So he must be undergoing some change!

I quickly got off the bed and put Shinji safely in a crib, I ordered Zetsu to make.

" It's about time." Zetsu said, his smirk widening. I did not like this at all. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

" For what?!" I screamed because the feeling was intensifying inside me and I could not take it anymore.

" For the world," He spoke, " to sleep."

As soon as he said that, a blinding light surrounded everything. It was night but the sky was so bright, anyone could mistake it for a day. Out of reflex and motherly instinct, I quickly shielded my son, hugging him close to me, so no harm can come to him.

What's happening?!

I closed my eyes tightly because the light was blinding me. I kept in a corner, with my eyes shut but I could hear some sounds. Sounds of something emerging from the ground and after that a scream, undoubtedly from the medic. I wanted to help but I could not see anything!

About fifteen minutes or so later, there was peace, no sounds, still air, the sky was black again.

" As expected, it did not affect you." I opened my eyes at Zetsu's words. " And your child too." I looked at Shinji and sure enough he was safe and sound.

" What do you-oh Lord..." I looked out of the makeshift window and gasped. The thing that came out of the ground was a big wooden root I guess with mummies hanging from it.

" Madara-sama placed a jutsu on you and the baby so this won't affect you."

" W-wha-" I took support of the wall and slid down.

" Madara-sama's plan worked."

So he, he became successful in putting everyone to sleep..?

I.. I must see him immediately! But I can't take Shinji on the battlefront.

A thought popped in my head and I stood up, placing Shinji in his crib again and adjusting his sheets and blankets so he won't get cold.

I bit my thumb and scribbled sealing formulae on the crib and the ground with my blood. It was preparation for a barrier, Madara had taught to me for last resort protection. It was absolute. But it drained some life-energy. I was willing to make that sacrifice.

I clapped my hands together and the barrier activated. A reddish, purplish set of walls surrounded the crib. I felt assured by just looking at it. It sure took a lot out of me because immediately after activating the barrier, I was reduced to my knees. However, I had little time to waste.

The changes kept happening in a rapid pace and it made me anxious. I wanted to see Madara as soon as possible.

Now that my kid is safe, I can go with a peace of mind.

But this kimono...

I remembered Zetsu placed some other clothing in one of the desk drawers. They were there as expected. I kicked Zetsu out from the room and changed in a matter of seconds. Before I left, I warned him.

" Stay here and look after every needs. If I come to know about any mishappening, it would be your head I would take." I flashed him another glare and left.



¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now