Chapter 40

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~Kazumi's POV~

" I am really glad you accepted that truce~!" I sang happily, picking up a vase and putting it by the window of my new house. Its been a few months since the truce was accepted and I was still busy setting things in this new house.

The truce was accepted and the village was formed and named "Village Hidden In The Leaves." The fact that Madara named it makes me really proud.

" Me too." Madara was helping me.

" And I am glad that we get this house too. Nice view."

" Hmm." I stopped what I was doing and went to my husband.

" Is something on your mind?"

" No." I raised an eyebrow but decided to let it go. He'd tell me when he wants to. " I...uh.. I got to go somewhere." He said.

" Oi wait! Do you know..." but he was out before I could finish, "what today is?"

I sighed and decided that I should also leave if I wanted to get a certain job done.

~Madara's POV~

Tch. I am such a coward.

My hand retracted from the door knob the eighth time. I was perhaps anxious and edgy but those were not excuses.

I had a medium sized box in my hand, which is a surprise for Kazumi but I have no idea why I am getting cold feet.

Damn it.

I tried once again but my hand had not reached the handle yet and the door was opened by Kazumi.

" Why are you standing there like that?" She asked with a tired face. I just stared at her, taking in her appearance, pale and worn out.

Was she the same in the morning?

" Oi hariyama!" I snapped out of my thoughts and shoved the box in her hands, entering by pushing her aside a little.

" Happy Anniversary." I said and went to the kitchen with a frown. However, I suspected her reaction quite right.

" LIL KITTENS!! YAY!!" She squealed and that was reaction enough for me. " Two! I am gonna name you, Mada, and you, Ara. Together, you both can go as: Madara!"

I mentally facepalmed myself.

" Thank you Madara!" I was assaulted with a bear hug by Kazumi's small frame. I put my arms around her in return. " Ah wait, I have something for you too." I let her go and watched as she went into our bedroom and came back with a folded paper in her hands. " Here."

" What is this?"

" Just open it. And read!" She told me with a big smile. The biggest I have ever seen.

"Ok..." I did as I was told. There were numerous words on that paper but the highlighted one caught my eye. I read it, re-read it, in a state of pure ecstatic shock. I looked at my lover and she gave me her most loving smile.

" Happy Anniversary." Now I was the one who hugged her tight. " I am sorry but you'd have to wait a few months to properly get that present."

" I can hardly wait." I whispered into her ear, biting it after.

" What are you doing? I thought only pregnant ladies were supposed to be high on hormones." She giggled and I licked her ear and kissed her there.

" You are rubbing off on me then." We both let out a laughter at my comment.

" Ya, I can see." She untangled herself from me and grinned. " Now, the anniversary feast~! Come on~" She took my hand and led me to the dining table where there were many favourites of mine.

" Don't forget Mada and Ara." I joked.

" Of course!"

Soon, my family would be complete. I would be a father. This thought filled me with so much warmth and love that I ended up glomping Kazumi again.

" Thank you." I kept whispering in her ear and to these words, we spent many nights.


Short >.> Sorry


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