Chapter 34

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~Kazumi's POV~

The harsh sunlight from the torn curtains bore into my eyes when I opened them and all of my muscles ached, not to mention the pain in my chest.

I slowly got up from the bed and swung my feet off it, touching the ground but retracting immediately upon contact. My memories clicked from two nights ago when I trashed almost everything in this darned house and that there were glass or wooden shards everywhere.

I did not care about wounding myself when I stepped on the ground barefoot. My friend was dead, my brother was dead, my father was who knows where or even alive and the one man I loved did not heed to me. I did not care anymore. I had nobody to live for.

The broken pieces penetrated my skin and I thought I would have cried from the pain but I was empty. My emotion source was depleted.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. Looking around, my eyes searched for the pathetic Uchiha but he was nowhere to be found. Not that I care in the least.

He rejected my care and ever since then, I rejected my needs. I barely slept or ate. I bathed with cold water during nights and purposely stayed out in the open. I purposely tried to die.

Once again as the cold water hit my skin, it soothed my senses as the shivering kept my thoughts at bay. I got dressed in just a shirt and shorts then went in the backyard where it was cold.

I am tired of living so deadly. Please. Somebody. End my life. 

~Madara's POV~

My feet burned. My eyes hurt. My skin tingled. My heart ached.

Every passing moment my speed towards the clan barracks only increased for the fear of what Kazumi might do to herself in her anger or rage. I should have apologised and informed her first before leaving for the rescue mission. Even though the mission was successful and we were able to secure the target alive, Kazumi's life worried me more than my own.

Once I ran past the small entrance, I did not stop. Since he was in a very bad and life threatening shape, I ordered some men to take Takahiro to an infirmary while I jumped to my home.

I had no time to knock on the door and wait patiently while she answered it so I jumped over the wall and went into search for my waifu.

She was nowhere. I could not find her in the whole house. And that only added to my horror of seeing the bloody floor covered with small pieces of glass and wood.

Something clicked and I went to the backyard and sighed in relief when I saw a familiar back. Thank goodness. I walked to her and placed a hand on Kazumi's shoulder but she just jumped and moved away from me. This gave me the chance to analyse her condition.

Dear Lord.

What have I done to her?

My throat had choked back any words I could have formed. My hand was back at my side for it feared to accidentally hurt my love.

Her whole skin was bruised and scratched, blue in places. Her feet had glass stuck in them, fresh blood pouring out. Her face so dead and cheekbones sticking out. Her eyes empty. She looked all that I felt.

I reached for her once again but she got up and went in the house. I felt rejected. I followed her inside and when I saw that she was about to step foot on the broken glass again, I grabbed her arms and pulled her aside.

" Don't touch me!" She yelled and I saw the anger in her eyes. I made a very big mistake not apologising first thing.

" You are hurting yourself woman!" I exclaimed back.

" Since when do you are about what happens to me?! Go back to mourning over your dead brother! I appreciated the silence!" She was breaking inside and I felt it as much as any other emotion.

" Do not-" I stopped speaking and caught the falling body of my love. She was conscious but her in pain. I did not know what was happening to her until she gripped right upper arm and gave an ear piercing screech of pain. Frankly, I doubted she had enough energy to even scream this loud.

I sat on the ground with Kazumi in my arms, her head against my shoulder as I unfolded her fingers from the area causing pain to examine it.

I pushed aside the sleeve and saw it. The black kanji her father had put to seal her chakra, it was burning and receding into her skin before completing vanishing.

Her laboured breathing let me knew that the physical pain was over, however an emotional one took its place as soon as her mind registered what must have happened.

It was her father. He passed away.

Many times in the past, I ha assured Kazumi that I would successfully rescue her father and reunite them but now I felt as if I had always given her false hope. It must have crushed her.

She fisted my shirt and buried her face deep in my shoulder where I felt the hot tears running down her face. I hugged her close in attempts to comfort her but her next broken words between sobs, broke me.

" You promised."


I am sorry that I keep killing people. ._.

How is the new year for my precious readers? Eh?

A little late sorry but I hope, wish and pray for everyone's safety and prosperity for this year and many more. c:

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Thank you!

Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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