Chapter 31

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Izuna, have you seen Madara?" I asked my brother-in-law as I stepped into the backyard after searching the whole house for my husband. Izuna liked reading in the backyard so that's what he was doing.

" Umm, I think nii-san went to the main compound for some meeting." He answered, all concentration on the piece of paper in his hands.

" And why are you not there?"

" Leader stuff." Izuna shrugged and sighed. I turned back into the house and went to make some breakfast for myself.

Just a week earlier I had phased and now it was not bothering me at all. It brought me and Madara closer than we expected so I was grateful that I could not avoid it.

After phasing though, my energies were dying a little more than usual every day. I would find myself weak in spirit when I needed to have a comeback with Madara. I wanted to say things but it felt like I could not. It was stressing me out.

Sighing, I put a pan on heating and stood there but leaned back when there was a rock solid support, a smile instantly on my tired face.

" Where were you?"

" Meetings."

" Of course." I rolled my eyes at Madara's answer and moved the pan away from the stove. I lost my appetite.

" I have to leave for a battle tonight." I stiffened, shooting my head back with a worried and serious look.

" What?!" He raised his arms in defence. I took a deep breath to control my temper. I was not angry or frustrated but worried and scared. " You know what will happen if either of us gets hurt, don't you?"

" Of course I do. That is precisely the reason why I have been delaying to this dead end. There cannot be any more delays Kazumi." Madara cupped my face and brought it closer to his, our eyes locked.

" What clan this time?" I asked as I knew that whenever Uchihas would come to Sonaeru camps for aid, they would be there after a battle, with a clan, none other than,

" Senju."


" Be careful." I wished both my husband and my brother a prayer but being the proud Uchihas that they were, they laughed it off.

" We are strong Kazumi-chan~ No  one can defeat us that easily." I punched Izuna.

" Don't get cocky brat. If I can hit you, so can a lot of others." I scolded. " And you, Mr. Clan Leader, watch your brother's back."

" Always." Madara kissed me lightly but kept his lips lingering for a good long while since nobody knows when their battle will be over.

" Stay safe and be careful! Both of you!" I called as they turned their backs and ran off with a huge number of Uchiha soldiers with them.

Even though I believed in their abilities, I had a bad feeling about this one particular battle.

Please be careful. Please.


I am so darn sorry!! I need my Blackberry back! I miss that physical keyboard so darn much! ;-;

Author-sama wants Blackberry back!

Anyways, there's this Kakashi fanfic called "Endurance; My Middle Name" by Wisdomwanderer. Do check it out. It has only begun but it still is very awesome. c:

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Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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