Chapter 7

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Come on! You hit like a girl!"

" I AM a girl Yasu!" I dodged another hit Yasu threw at me and advanced with my own attack. He blocked it and pushed me on the ground.

" Sorry. Let's stop before you get any real injuries." I just nodded taking the hand Yasu offered and got up from the ground.

" Its getting late." I noticed the sun setting and walked to the cabin in the woods. We trained in the woods so nobody would find us and built a cabin there which contained some necessities. 

I pulled on my kimono, I usually go out of the compound in a kimono with my training attire underneath, and pulled my hair back in the bun they were in before I left.

" Let's head back." Yasu said, putting his sword back. I nodded and walked ahead of him. The guard is always supposed to walk behind or so says my father.

Once I was back in the compound, Yasu took his leave and I directly went to my room to shower and such. I put on some fresh clothes and were about to leave for food when a maid knocked on the door.

" Yes?" I opened the door.

" Hime-sama, your father is calling for you." She said bowing.

" Thank you. I am on my way." I replied and the old woman scurried off somewhere.

I dusted my clothes even though I just wore them and made my way to the meeting room, ignoring my grumbling stomach. Once I was there, I knocked lightly and entered when I was granted permission.

I sat beside and a little behind my father then finally paid attention to the people in front of us. My face lightened up and a big smile was on my face when I noticed Izuna but I glared noticing Madara.

" Good to see you too." The older Uchiha said rolling his eyes.

" Now now kids, no fighting." Otou-san intervened like all the other times. I don't know why but I just care for first impressions and since Madara gave the wrong one, I guess I started disliking him.

" I don't fight women." I scoffed at Madara's statement and humph-ed. 

" The truth of it is just burning me." I spoke sarcastically.

" That's a bad burn too."

" Well somebody-"

" Kazumi, enough. This is no appropriate behaviour to display in front of guests." Father cut me off and scolded a little. Izuna sighed.

" Guests?" I asked.

" Yes. They are going to stay here for the week."

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now