Chapter 19

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~Kazumi's POV~

I felt like crying. I felt like bringing havoc in the compound and destroying everything. I wanted to throw a tantrum. But I couldn't. 

I slid along the wall and fell on my butt on the floor and just stared at nothing, letting things absorb themselves. I did not care I was in the presence of the Uchiha I hated so much. 

Then something struck me. I quickly got up and walked to the dresser. I pulled out a box and went to Madara, handing him that wooden box. 

" I'm returning this and calling off our engagement." I told him and shoved the box in his hands. It had the pin his clan gave me as a gift. He looked at me passively and placed it aside.

" This is not allowed." He said plainly. I gaped then shook my head and glared at him.

" What do you mean 'not allowed'?!" I yelled flailing my arms. He crossed his arms and looked out of the window.

" I won't allow it. You need permission from both sides." My world shattered but the anger was still there. I slapped him hard, again.

" Why are you so hell bent on marrying me?! There's plenty of women out there! Not to mention, 'willing women'! I hate you so much and you want me to marry you?! Are you out of your frickin' mind or something?! Darn it Uchiha-" I gasped when the Uchiha suddenly grabbed me and pinned me on the bed, hovering dangerously close. I gulped.

" Now look here." He said flashing his sharingan. I closed my eyes and looked away. I've learned from Yasu about this eye technique. You look into those crimson eyes even once and its over.

" No." I replied flatly. I shivered when I felt his fingers trail along my cheek before grabbing my chin and turning my face to look at him. 

" Open your eyes." I clenched my jaw and kept my eyes closed. " Don't be so difficult woman!" I still did not respond. I figured if I kept being stubborn, he would give up. " Alright. If that's how you want to play."

I did not know what he meant by that but soon found out when I felt his lips on my forehead, making their way down through my eyes, cheeks then to my lips, where he bit them lightly.

I held my ground. I started thinking he would give up then all of a sudden I felt direct skin contact under my kimono, on my waist, which made me gasp and unconsciously open my eyes for just a second. A split second was what he needed because my blue orb opened to look into Madara's sharingan.

Thump. Thump.

Oh crap.

~Madara's POV~

No matter how much they try to be tough, all women submit one way or another.

I smirked to myself at the accomplishment and looked deep in Kazumi's eyes with my sharingan. I looked into her mind, read it, searched it to find ways to make her agree. 

She was quite delicate in front of me so I did not want to use brute force against her but if situations arose then I will throw those thoughts aside and break her, if needed.

I was looking in her mind when I had to stop to look at something. Something, I saw for the first time. I, Uchiha Madara, was awed by the beauty of it, so much that I sent some chakra into the subconscious state to observe it.

Before my eyes was a rather magnificent oval shaped cage. It looked like an egg. I looked deeper and found a resident. The surrounding of that part of Kazumi's mind was all purple, along with the egg and the being inside it.

There was a naked body, enveloping itself in the egg probably unconscious. Her eyes closed, hair flowing in the back. She seemed to be sleeping. How did I know it was a she? It was obvious because that being looked identical to the girl whose mind I was invading.

I extended my chakra to touch it but as soon as it came in contact with the shell, it retracted on its own, throwing me out with force that made me deactivate my sharingan.

It strained my eyes but another thing added to my headache; Kazumi's scream.


Ok readers, I'm so sorry for the late update. I was thinking for a few days on how to proceed the story with the correct scenarios so it took a while.

Um, next thing is that I'm sorry if/that this is short. I wanted to keep the suspense :D sorry~

And my lovely readers, thank you so much for the above 5k reads! I want to hug you all! ♥♥

Pic on the side, the pin Uchihas gave Kazumi on her and Madara's engagement. I saw this on Pinterest and it seemed really pretty so I hope this makes up for it ;)

As always,

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Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^


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