Chapter 16

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Now why did you throw this extremely sharp knife at me?" Madara asked holding the side of his face.

" You call 'me' pathetic but you're no better yourself." I snapped with a smirk. We were all having dinner together since Madara and Izuna would be leaving some hours later. They preferred going in the night.

In my anger, I threw my knife at hariyama when he asked why I was so quiet. And being the over-confident ninja he is, he couldn't dodge the knife and it pricked his cheek.

" Tch, it is bleeding." He mumbled but I caught that since I was sitting right in front of him.

" Maybe if you had taken my side and not helped with my father's decision to seal my chakra, I would have healed you but oh well, enjoy bleeding to death." I spat and left the table. 

I went to my room an paced around for a while then made my mind. I went through my clothing and found a black long cloak with hood. I placed it on my bed and looked at the clock. There was still some time before the lights went out.

I quietly sat on my bed and thought things over. There was a ten-minute window when there were no guards outside my room window so I would take my chances then. 

The past days I had been thinking up of a plan to run away from the clan settlement. I had no life here. I had been observing that with my chakra sealed, the guards could not pinpoint my location or sense me and I had already tried that too. It worked.

Although I have read about the constant wars and fights going on outside the clan compound, I still wanted to leave. I also knew that there were some non-ninja places that had some peace so I would go there.

I took a breath and calmed my nerves and put on my cloak. I placed some necessities and money in my pants pockets which I was wearing under my kimono. Next, I opened the window and looked around.

The lights were off, the guards were gone but the air had an eerie silence that I did not like one bit. But taking a deep breath, I hopped off the window without causing any noise and started walking towards the gates but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a voice.

" Troublesome brat, aren't you nakimushi?" I cursed under my breath but did not turn around to face hariyama. I ignored him and resumed my walking but I was stopped again. " How long am I going to get the silent treatment?" Yet again, ignored.

I lifted my foot to take a step forward but unfortunately my foot did not touch the ground, instead, I was scooped up and thrown on a shoulder. Madara's shoulder to be exact.

" Let go you idiot hariyama!" I whispered harshly, thrashing around to make him let me go.

" Now you decide to talk." He mocked and started walking, towards the window I got out of.

" What do you want?! Let me go!"

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now