Chapter 22

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Put me down Uchiha....." I muttered in a low voice, devoid of emotions. I did not expect Madara to obey but after a few minutes my feet met the ground.

I stood with my back hunched and eyes facing the ground. I noticed it was day time, perhaps around noon, we were by a mountain side, I could make out by the rough ground.

For a moment my mind was blank then everything swirled in rather speedily and painfully. The memories were too much for my weakened mind and heart.

My balance gave out as a wave of sadness washed over me at the loss of my brother, friend and bodyguard, Sonaeru Yasu. I fell on the hard ground and buried my face in my hands, mourning silently.

I did not care if I appeared pathetic in front of the proud Uchiha, I did not care that the ground might be scratching me, I just cried, spilled my agony.

" How long are you going to cry over a dead man, nakimushi?" My eyes shot upwards at the speaker, filled with so much anger and hate that if looks could kill, he'd too, be a "dead man".

" Unlike you, Yasu had a place in my heart! He's dead now! Gone! How can I not mourn over the passing of my first and only friend?!" I yelled as I stood up and faced the idiot man with a frown, tears coming to an abrupt end. I could see my outbursts were making him annoyed and irritated but I have never cared.

" You are gathering attention-"

" I can care less of what bullcrap you speak! You call yourself a proud Uchiha! Their leader! But you cannot even take on some lowlife thugs! My friend had to give his life up just so 'YOU' can flee! I don't care about my own life! I had better died with him! You-"

" Did I not say you are gathering attention?" Madara spoke with an intense glare and put a hand on my mouth to stop me from talking but being the rebel I was, I bit his palm and consequences weren't pretty. 

I got slapped.

Well, why did he quieten me? Because just when I was getting too angry some people who had bothered to chase us, caught up and now stood in front to take me. Oh let them take me! I cannot have more people sacrifice themselves for me! But if it is Madara who is going to die, then of course, kill him first then take me.

Such a nutjob I was, talking to myself when the Uchiha leader was fighting with villains who never seemed to decrease in number.

Get him! Wound him! Make him bleed! KILL THE FRICKING B******!

I must have cracked since I was rooting for the evil side but much to my disappointment Madara was not even breaking a sweat.

I just stood silently, away from the battle but got in a stance when I noticed a man running at me with ropes. I cussed under my breath as I couldn't stand properly since my kimono got in the way.

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now