Chapter 44

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This might be a major spoiler for those who have not read the manga so approach at your own risk.


~Kazumi's POV~

I kept running but I was not fast enough. Sure, these pants helped but I wanted to go faster. Even infusing chakra in my step did not work very well.

I wanted to see Madara! And the more I wanted it, the more edgy and anxious I became, to the point that I felt something stirring in me, like I was about to explode. That feeling was overpowering me.

I had to stop and wait for it to go but when it left, a huge part of my being left with it. Suddenly, I felt empty. I felt dead, inside.

I knew for a fact that this was no wound that happened to Madara because I had been controlling my phase till I un-froze. And this wasn't it. It was like, something was gone.

I thought about what could happen when my other self's voice beamed from inside.

" He is dead~" She sung. " Your husband is dead~!!"

My heart skipped a few beats. I felt like I could not breathe. I did not want to believe her but she was not exactly lying, this feeling was like I had before I contracted with Madara; a lighter self.

" No. Shut up. He's fine."

" Don't lie to yourself~"

" JUST SHUT UP!!" That quietened her. Hn.

I took a break for a minute to gather my composure and to prepare myself for the possibility that Madara might really be dead.

I closed my eyes and tried feeling that connection I had with Madara but it was gone. No matter how much I tried, I could not feel it. But that did not mean he was dead.

He was taking over the world! That idiot! He can't be dead! Something else could have happened! I don't even know what prospects they have with chakra here so it could really be something I can't comprehend. But it is not necessary that he is dead.

Besides, he can't die without answering a century worth of questions!

That brought some rage back and I got back on my feet, running towards where I now felt big chakra divided into many...beings?

I hurried because I knew what ever that was happening or has happened was coming to an end. Even the red-moon was dying down and being replaced by the nature milkyness.

I ran, as fast as I could and there was one moment, one second, when I felt that connection again, and I stopped. It was weak, but it was there, was fading. So, I hurried again.

I spotted people in the distance. Many people and what looked like beasts! What the heck?! Bijuu?! What the heck is happening there?! As I neared the scenario, I could clearly see the bijuu, nine of them, a floating man, some other men and wait is that.. Hashirama? Who is he crouching on?

Just to be on the safe side, I quickly made a clone first and sent her flying towards Hashirama, kicking him the face but he was the First Hokage, of course he blocked her and she disappeared into smoke. However, I used that smoke screen to my advantage and jumped from there to land a punch on Hashirama's face. It did not connect.


Because, I stopped the moment I saw who he was crouching by.

My Madara.

All beaten up and bruised. On the verge of death even.

I knew I had everyone's attention. A blue-haired girl, appearing out of nowhere for who? Uchiha Madara. The cause of this bloody war. They were all cautious of me, except of the Senju, who knew me from a hundred years ago.

I hardly had words. I just, fell on my knees beside Madara, boring my eyes into him. He was smiling. He looked so ready to die. He wasn't even surprised to see me there.

" Kazumi, he's about to.." Hashirama could not finish. I did not let him.

" He is not dying until he has answered all my damn questions!" I spat. " And until, he has met his son." I said that quietly.

Madara's hand touched mine, loosely lacing our fingers together. I looked at him, not wanting him to die, but there was nothing I could do.

I cupped his cheek, feeling the warmth before it could fade and the more I looked into his eyes and the more I longed for him to say something to me, I remembered something and suddenly, my look went intense.

" Can I, take him?" I asked, faking my tears but for the most part, they were real. " I just...want to give him a proper...goodbye." Hashirama knew what Madara meant to me so even though others were against it, he let me have my way.

I nodded to Hashirama in gratitude and teleported myself to that cave, with Madara. I could do very light teleportations, only when there was a huge mass of my energy where I wanted to teleport myself.

Zetsu was still there. I gently laid my husband on the bed and let myself phase. Shinji was asleep.

Good. He won't have to see mommy kill someone.

It was quick. My hair turned into sharp locks and killed Zetsu in an instant. It was easy. I felt a bad vibe coming from him the moment he saw me here with Madara, so I killed him.

I turned back to Madara and sighed. I knew a jutsu I learned from the Sonaeru books. It was generally our clan jutsu; transferring nature energy to save a life. It was pretty complicated. I hope I remember it correctly.

I took a deep breath and drew my blood again, for seals. I wrote on my arms and Madara's body because, they would connect. Once I was done with that, I called for my other self.

" You are sick if you think you can pull it off~" She sung again.

" You underestimate me if you think I can't."

" You do know if this does not work, you will lose your soul~? And I would take over for life~?"

" You sound pretty happy for someone's who's about to meet their end." She grunted. " Goodbye."

Like killing Zetsu, this was quick too. I slammed my hand on Madara's chest and dove it into the skin, through the bone and to his heart. It sure hurt him but he was not conscious to feel it much. This was the moment when I had to concentrate all my chakra into that one spot, and I did that. It was just seconds later that I felt myself getting drowsy, my eyes were blurring and my strength was failing.

My hand slipped itself out of Madara's chest and my feet were gone from under me. I slowly fell to the ground, my head hitting on the hard floor and all lights went off.

Did I succeed?


  Oooohhhhh... what happened? XD

I think some of you can guess :v

About those last two chapters, some might not have understood what happened so let me tell.

This might be a major spoiler for those who have not read the manga so approach at your own risk cause spoilers are worse than fillers. Pfft. Lame I know xD

Anyways, what happened was, that when Naruto and Sasuke were fighting Madara, they hurt him. Kazumi being connected, felt the same pain. When Madara turned into Rikudou, Kazumi felt that too, the disturbance and all anxious because Madara was ressurected as a more superior body than he originally was in his time, as told by Kabuto, so Kazumi being a normal human, could not bear this intense change, so she felt anxious and edgy. Then Madara started expanding and expanding before Kaguya took over, Kazumi felt that too. Then in this chappie, when she felt a connection with Madara, this was when Kaguya was defeated and everyone was quite ready to say goodbye and Madara died. But I can't really say, if I would keep him alive or not. For all you know, they both could die. :v haha. Possibility folks.


Enjoy the chappie!

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