Chapter 29

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~Madara's POV~

So calm. So serene. So beautiful.

I quietly closed the door behind me and walked to my love. She was sleeping. The only source of light in the room was the moon shining through the open windows.

Countless things were racing in my head. I thought about what Kazumi told Izuna. She said she loved me. She said she did not want me to get contracted by her. She said she did not want me to suffer.

I thought about how I would counter such a situation where Kazumi would ask me to leave or let her leave. I thought about the pain this whole thing was bringing her.

Small sounds of coughs from my love broke my chain of thoughts and all my attention went to her immediately.

" Madara?" She called in a small voice. It pained me to hear it. I have always seen the strong, rebellious and alive side of Kazumi so this was really hard to absorb.

" I am right here." I answered her call and sat by her in the bed, holding her hand. She placed her head on my shoulder and sighed.

" I hate this weakness." She whined and coughed again. I played with her fingers and maintained the peaceful quiet but that was interrupted when Kazumi started getting out of bed.

" What do you think you are doing?" I asked in a stern tone.

" Getting out of bed, duh." She retorted. I rolled my eyes.

" Are you sure you are sick?" I joked.

" Pretty much, yeah." I shook my head an watched her as she walked to the door. She seemed fine. No limping or slow walking. " I am not faking it if that's what you think."

" I don't think that." I replied and stood up as well. " But you really seem alright." She looked at me and for a second it was like she was not in control. Her eyes were distant and empty. However, that went away as soon as it came.

" You should just stay here. I'll be back soon-aah!" In an instant I was by her side and supporting her weight by an iron grip on her shoulders.

Her eyes were closed and teeth were clenched. For a split second her eyes widened and they were white but became normal soon. Kazumi pushed me off and made some distance.

" You need to leave me alone!" She yelled. Her fear was evident. When she saw that I was not budging, she started pleading. " Please." One tear fell from her eyes, followed by many others. " I don't want you to suffer."

I did not know what to say. I did not want to leave her but at the same time, I wanted to grant her wish.

" Madara leave!" She screamed before landing on the ground on her knees in pain. It was a natural instinct to approach a hurting person and that did no good to me.

As soon as I was just five paces away from Kazumi, her whole hair turned white, grew in immense length in just seconds and even in less than a fraction of a second, a huge sharpened bunch of those white hair penetrated my upper torso, with force too much that it knocked me to the nearer wall and kept me there.

What was happening? Is she.....phasing?

I looked at Kazumi's crouched form as it now started standing up. One of her hands was holding her head. Her nails were longer too. I was having a hard time digesting all of this.

I, THE great UCHIHA MADARA, was pinned to the wall by the doing of a woman. Not just any woman. MY woman.

I grabbed the shard like hair and started pulling them out but it seemed an impossible task since they did not even budge single millimetre. I glared at the now standing Kazumi and to my shock, she stared back.

It was not her.

The woman smirked and laughed. I knew she was not my Kazumi. She laughed and walked to me.

" How are you liking the pain?" She asked in a wickedly happy tone. This other side was enjoying this. I remained quiet and waited for her to get a little more close. " You won't answer me, my dear dear husband?" She was in range. I aimed my hand at her neck and grabbed it.

" Leave her this instant." I warned with my sharigan glaring in her white ones. She smirked.

" The contract has already been made and I finally-"

" Leave her I said." I activated my mangekyou. She trembled under the horror of the mangekyou but was not leaving. I increased my grip on her neck, knowing I was hurting Kazumi by doing so but it was inevitable.

" My j-job is done. You will be seeing more of me from now-w." She laughed and as her face started turning white from my grip, I saw the turquoise eyes of my Kazumi.

The hair disappeared and my wound healed like it was never there. Kazumi's hair were now permanently white. I let go of her throat and held her close to me as she collapsed.

I failed her.

She tried so hard to avoid this but it still happened. I failed her.

" Nii-san what-" Izuna barged in but stopped when he registered the sight.

" I will never be able to forgive myself for this, Izuna."


Readers! Sorry! Sorry! I would not make excuses but really sorry!

Ok so listen. I was asked to write a Minato Kushina fanfic. I was thinking it would be good. But do tell me your views about it as well!

Vote and comment!

Thank you!

Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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