Chapter 12

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~Kazumi's POV~ happening here.........?

Wherever I looked, there were hooded people, attacking our clan, in broad daylight. People were fighting everywhere!

Today I had woke up at the normal time, everything went normal till noon but then suddenly when I was walking with Yasu, these strange people attacked.

I did not know why they attacked us. But the one thing I knew was that they were taking our women, those who have not phased yet. And I was a target too.

Since my kimono contained the clan symbol at the back, I was identified as the leader's daughter or more specifically; MORE VALUABLE.

Yasu and some others fought to protect me. There was chaos and bloodshed on every road. So much bloodshed that it made me slightly nauseous.

The Uchiha brothers were fighting too, with their sharingans. I noticed Madara just look one enemy in the eyes and the next thing I know, the victim is screaming in pain for seconds and then falls unconscious. He killed so many. So mercilessly. 

He wrung necks, cut limbs, stabbed organs like it didn't matter. But seeing this, scarred me, big time. I was feeling a little scared of the Uchiha right now.

Amidst my admiration and faint fear, I felt a hand cover my mouth and drag me somewhere. Villains were taking me. I couldn't scream. And this cursed kimono wasn't allowing movement. But I snapped and smirked under the hand. I would definitely fight back.

I kicked the man's shin really hard and bit on his hand. I was roughly thrown at the ground and I took this chance to make some distance. I threw off my kimono and sighed in content when my training attire appeared underneath.

" You are messing with the wrong girl here." I warned and took the sword from the dead body lying really close to me. The hooded evil man closed in with his own weapons and techniques.

We fought for about ten minutes or so and all I could do was gain and return some cuts and bruises. I was out of breath. Even though Yasu said I was good at fighting, these people were way out of my league.

The villain sent out some type of signal and in a mere second, twenty or so evil-hooded-men appeared. I looked at the number shocked and my morale just went down to zero.

There was no way I could fight them alone. But should I give up? They won't hurt me since I am too valuable but still.....

So I looked at them all and raised my sword then smirked.

I will not go down without a fight.

" Take her alive." The one who stood in the front said. I assumed he was their leader. And suddenly I was surrounded. They all threw some weird kind of blue ropes at me and since I wasn't too skilled, they got me tied up. My weapon fell on the ground with a noise and I huffed.

It was then I noticed that those were chakra ropes and were the reason I felt my strength going down faster than it should. I struggled to get out but I couldn't. My eyelids drooped but I stood with a frown as the leader stepped closer to me and touched my face.

I flinched and spit on his face, under the hood. SCORE! But that earned me a direct slap on the face.

" As ill-mannered as your mother." He laughed and I glared at him even worse than before. How dare he speak of my mother that way?! Hell! How did he even know her?! " You really are something to value." He hummed.

" What do you want from my clan?! Why do you keep attacking us?!" I spat at him trying to get answers and raise my voice so somebody could find me. But now that I think about it, everybody was fighting on the front. Curses.

" Oh we have many reasons but I just want you to be my bride and with you as the matriarch, the next heirs would be so-"

" You jerk! Don't even go there! Who the heck said I would even marry you! I am not even letting you to take me!" I screamed at his face. The grip on the ropes tightened.

" And who will save you?"

" Its a good thing your vocals are so badly shrill, nakimushi." I heard a very familiar voice and even though it was an insult, I couldn't help but smile. He was standing just feet away from the enemy.

" Took you long enough, hariyama."


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Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^ 


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