Chapter 21

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Darn it hariyama! Your hair are blocking my view!" I yelled and repeatedly punched the Uchiha's back.

" Keep your mouth shut, woman!" I huffed at the insult/order and decided to oblige, for the time being.

I was still being carried to safety through the compound and it was annoying me too much. I threw a glare at the sniggering Yasu and reached a fist at him.

" Where are you even taking me?!" I was growing impatient. I knew by the shift in his muscles that Madara was going to say something but an explosion stopped him from doing that.

The slightly dim passage which was occupied by the three of us was now lightened by the moon for the blast had happened inside the compound.

I tried keeping my nerves under control but the amount of blood I saw staining the whole ground had my composure wavering. My eyes were the size of dinner plates when I saw the dead bodies piled everywhere again.

I was placed on my feet gently and I quickly stood in the back where I knew I'd be safe. Yasu defended my back and Uchiha, my front. 

Thankfully I hadn't been spotted yet but it was just the matter of me thinking about it that a group attacking my clansmen got rid of them and now faced us.

" If you quietly hand o-hime-sama to us, we won't have to kill you." One of the villain said with an evil smirk and I couldn't suppress a chuckle.

" You weakling! You talk like you can take these two on!" I harassed the man but regretted it as upon his signal more than a hundred arrived.

" Kazumi you had to say that." Yasu said with a shake of his head.

" How would have I known there would be so many?" I pouted then winced when I was pushed against the wall and hariyama and Yasu were now standing too close to me for protection purposes of course.

Why is it that whenever this Uchiha visits, our enemies decide to as well? This man is bad news everytime!

Although I was too pressed against the wall, my eyes darted here and there following the battle so if something happened or some attack got past my two bodyguards, I would be able to do something.

There was fighting and screams everywhere! I tried searching for my father through what I could see but no where was he seen. So what I wasn't on good terms with him? He's still my father.

Both the men in front of me were fighting like I was worth more than a thousand queens. I was just a regular girl who happened to have her chakra sealed off but one thing struck me; I stil hadn't phased.

Is it because of that they're after me so enthusiastically?

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now