Chapter 23

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~Kazumi's POV~

I opened my eyes and groaned when the harsh sunlight intruded my sleep. I tossed and turned to get back to sleep. I was trying to fall asleep again but my mind was aware of my surroundings.

The bed felt hard. The air somehow felt different. My room never had this much sunlight and my pillow was not this much fluffy.

With my eyes still closed, I tried thinking of a reason for such changes. I was peaceful when reasoning but soon, too soon, my rest went away, my sleep flew away, my peace was disrupted when I remembered.

Now you are mine.

I remembered those words. Madara's words. After which he knocked me out. So does that mean I'm......NOOOO!! I quickly sat up and looked around. This was not my room.

I felt like crying and even brought my hands to my face. However, when my face felt something cold, I became conscious that I had a ring on.

It was a pure gold band. Half an inch wide with Uchiha clan symbol engraved in the center and filled with Ruby and Diamond, each stone representing the colour of the Uchiha Fan. Well, I had knowledge about real and fake stones so I could tell these were real.

Real or not, expensive or cheap, gold or silver, my anger had me take off the ring and throw it out of the window. To my luck, there was a pond just outside the room and the ring landed in it.

I smirked at my evil doing but it faded when the door was lightly knocked upon and soon opened. I had prepared my mind if it was that jerk of an Uchiha but sighed in relief when it was a middle-aged woman, a maid to be exact.

" Lady Uchiha! You have woken up! I shall inform Madara-sama-"

" Wait!" I shouted before she went away. I quickly got off the bed and ran to the door, pushing it close. " Do not tell that idiot anything." I warned and glared with it.

" H-hai!" She nodded, obviously scared. I opened the door and let the woman go. Sighing, I looked for a way out but cursed when none was found. The window was too small and the door led to the hallway perhaps. I contemplated in my mind what to do and came to a decision. 

I would take my chances and see where the hall leads to.

I took a deep breath and silently opened the door, taking a peek outside. Sure enough, this room connected the main hall which must lead somewhere important.

I slid the door open, wide enough for me to slide out, then closed it behind me. Quietly, I made my way to the end of the hall and bent a little to peek. 

The halls were empty so it was easy to walk without getting noticed. From what I could see, there was a huge room ahead and three others halls.

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now