Chapter 28

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~Kazumi's POV~

I couldn't help but feel empty. I had cried out all my fear and pain. There was nothing inside me now. My eyes were focused on my hands yet my mind was nowhere in reality.

" Lady Uchiha, you need to rest now." A medic told me and left after a bow.

I sat upright against the headboard of my bed and glanced at my IVed hand. It had become a habit in just a day that whenever I looked at something, my eyes were stuck there.

I was in a daze after this morning. When I had gone to take a shower, it had been confirmed to me about a certain incident that would soon happen.

At first. I was scared then pained but in the end, empty. Madara was nice enough to stay with me without any words and questions. I needed to tell him about what happened but he had shushed me.

Where was he now? I did not know.

My eyes rolled to the ceiling and I felt an instant urge of getting fresh air. I was cooped up in this room for about two days. I needed air.

Carefully and slowly, I put my feet on the ground and grabbed my IV stand for support. Taking my time, I started putting weight on my feet and in about five minutes, I was standing.

I wheeled the IV stand with me out of the room and into the backyard. The house was quiet. Where was Madara? Where was Izuna?

One step into the backyard and one of my questions was answered. I spotted Izuna in the porch. It was soon going to be sunset so there was no problem about there being sunlight.

" Long time no see, Izuna." I spoke and went to him then by his help sat down.

" You should be resting." He scolded me lightly. I sighed and yawned.

" I needed some air." He looked down and nodded.

" I see."

" Where's your brother?" I asked with adjusted my feet to get a comfortable position.

" He went to the main compound to get some things. He will be back shortly in case you are wondering." He added the last part with a smirk.

" He is my husband. So of course I would be wondering that." My own words shocked me. But there weren't lies. We both did not speak for a while then Izuna started.

" Ne, what exactly happened to you?" I looked at the sky and frowned a little. " B-but its ok if you don't want to share."

" No."

" No?"

" I will tell you. I really need someone to know." He looked at me curiously. " This is about the dark secret of Sonaeru Clan." I took a deep breath then started spilling. " Sonaeru means sacrifice, you do know that right?"

" Mmhmm."

" Alright. Well, since the beginning, the women in my clan were forbidden to use chakra and get into battlefield. It was not only because we were women but also because we were lethal."

" Lethal?"

" Hmm. It is a clan gift or curse that at a certain age, the women of Sonaeru, phase. Its like your sharigan you can say. It is always there but needs awakening. Though, in our case, there's a set time for us to phase. When we reach that age, we are marked by our inner demon. Phasing occurs within a week of marking. Our hair turn white. According to old scrolls and scripts, when a woman phases, she is likely to hurt a man in the process. Even if there are women in the range, only men are targets. The wound caused is very lethal and many times fatal too. However, if she hurts a man and they are mutually in love, the wound heals almost instantly."

" What's so bad about that?" Izuna asked when I paused for a breather.

" If the wound heals, both the lovers have contracted to each other forever. One's pain becomes the others, one's happiness is shared by the other. But, when by accident or purpose, the man is hurt or wounded, enough to draw out blood, the inner demon of the woman overtakes her being. The woman has no control over herself or her actions. She is just a wild animal who hurts the one who hurt her master. This is the risk of phasing. Before, women were to join the front lines and sacrificed for battle then times changed and they were taken captives, tricked into love and ultimately, used by the enemies against their own kin."

" I...have no words." But I could see the shock on his face.

" Izuna. I have been marked." I said and took a deep breath.

" What-"

" I need you to promise me something." I looked at him dead in the eye and spoke when he nodded. " Keep Madara away from me for a week."

" But, you don't love him so there's no risk right?" I chuckled and smiled. " Why are you laughing? What is so funny?"

" Izuna. I love Madara." He looked at me wide eyed and jaw hung open.

" WHAT?!" This only amused me more.

" I knew that if I did not distance myself from him and tried returning his feelings, I would definitely fall for him. So I lied to myself, played the b**** for his sake, so I won't have to hurt him, so he won't have to suffer. But now, it seems like my efforts are wasted and nothing can keep the contract from happening. I don't want to hurt him Izuna even if it's for mere seconds. I don't want him to forever feel my pain." I looked down as I spilled all of it.

" Nii-san usually doesn't listen but you did give us that condition right? So he would have to obey." I smiled a little.

" 'To let me go when I ask for it', he should obey but I don't expect him to." Sighing, I stood up and Izuna helped me back in my room.

It felt good telling a brother about my phasing. It eased some burden. Confessing my love for Madara out loud, felt even better. I didn't feel empty anymore.

~Madara's POV~

" Nii-san, it was rude of you to eavesdrop." Izuna lectured me while following me back in my office.

" No it was not."

" It was." I stopped and looked at him.

" She tells you things but not me? What did I ever do wrong?" I was jealous. ME! THE UCHIHA MADARA was jealous because the woman he loved would tell her secrets to their now mutual brother.

" Didn't you listen her say that she loves you? Jeez." He rubbed his temples.

" I did." I admitted looking away. It felt good inside and I felt happy knowing that. But I still wanted her to tell me that directly.

" Nii-san, where are you going?" Izuna asked me as I changed my course.

" To my waifu, where else?"


So um readers, as some of you know, I am learning Japanese and well, I thought it would create a page on facebook where I would post lectures and tips so people can learn Japanese.

So if any of you want to learn, its real easy, you just need a willing mind and heart. The page's name is 'Pervasia's Nihongo'. If you guys want to learn, follow that page. I will soon begin posting there.

Thank you.

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Thank you!

Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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