Chapter 25

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~Kazumi's POV~

I laughed to myself in my head at the trouble I put the Uchihas in. They were having a hard time fulfilling my conditions for the agreement to stay with them.

" OK! First off, I am not going to live with about a hundred people. This compound is too crowded."

" So my wife wants to be with, just me?" Madara asked smirking. Izuna was shocked that what if it was really the truth.

" Pssh. No. I meant, I am the only woman here. Find a small house, a few or no maids, where the three of us can live. Emphasis on three, hariyama." I clarified.

" Oh Kazumi-chan, I am so happy that you included me as well!" Izuna said hugging me with fake tears in his eyes.

" I don't want to deal with your uptight brother alone." Insult, right to the Uchiha leader's face! Ha! Madara's eyebrow twitched but he did not say anything.

Looks like he learned some self-control in the time I was preparing my conditions. Not bad Uchiha.

" Alright, next it, I am NOT going to wear these clingy, hindering and annoying kimono all the time. I have this list of casual clothing, get me these." I handed the list to Madara. He read it then looked at me.

" It will be fulfilled as long as you wear these in the house. When you are on clan rounds with me, you will have to wear formal clothing." I opened my mouth to object but once it settled in my head, it seemed alright.

" Fair enough. OK, third, do I have to share a room with you?" My eyes were hopefully observing the leader but deep in my heart, I knew the answer would be a 'yes'.

" Your choice."

" But you cannot force me-wait, what?"

" What?" Izuna asked, surprised as well. We both peered in Madara's face. He sighed then something extremely close to a smile formed on his face.

" I will not force you. You can have your separate room but my room is open to you, anytime you feel like closing the distance." I blinked. Not once, but twice and again.

" Psst, Izuna. Am I dreaming?" I whispered to my brother-in-law.

" I have no idea. This does not feel like a dream nor it is a genjustsu." He replied.

" Can I not just be nice to the woman I love?" The Uchiha leader snapped.

" No dude. It does not suit your character." I admitted flatly. " But, it does make you look less scary. And now, my last condition....."

That one condition was the easiest yet the hardest to complete.

I sat in the living room with Izuna while the Uchiha men ran around in attempts to find me the desired clothing and strangely enough, Madara was supervising them. As if knowing what was going in my mind, Izuna broke the silence.

" I lectured aniki you know." I looked at him and laughed.

" I knew he could not be all nice hismelf."

" No. All the nicety was MAdara for sure. I just told him the basics."

" Why would you do that though?"

" I do not want to see my sister unhappy here." I smiled at him and sipped from my cup again.

"And that thing you said in the end to Madara probably turned him on even more." Izuna said and laughed with me as I recalled.

" I will see to these conditions once again before I order the men." Madara said and started to leave.

" Oh and my dear dear husband." He stopped when I called in an innocent tone and looked back over his shoulder with a shocked look.

" Hm?"

" Just because I am in your territory now," I smirked and continued," Don't expect me to bow to you."


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Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^


¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now