Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


" Otou-san, where did Kaori-chan go?" I asked my father when we were having lunch. Some other maid woke me up and took care of me in the morning.

 " She is.....sick." He sighed.

 " Sick?"

 " Yes. So Kaori will not be here until she gets better. I have already assigned someone else for you." He took a bit of his meal and so did I.

 " But what happened to her?"

" Its regarding our clan's secrets. You will know when the time comes."

" You always say that but never tell me anything." I whined and pouted. My father laughed and ruffled my hair from across the table.

" I have my reasons, dear." I just nodded and quickly finished my lunch. I was excited to go play with Yasu-kun and Mashi-chan again. I went to my room and quickly changed into a shorter kimono which ended just below my knees and put on my sandals then when Yasu-kun arrived, I informed my dad and went to Yasu-kun's house.

 Almost every outsider that came to our clan base camps for purposes I didn't know, knew I was the daughter of the clan's leader. Only the heads and their offspring wear clothes with the clam emblem. I thought it was very wrong but never said a word about it.

 We walked casually to Yasu-kun's house, talking and laughing but when we arrived at our destination, my eyes widened and my animal-lover nature took over almost instantly.

 " What are you doing to Mashi-chan?!" I exclaimed to the boys who were hurting Mashi-chan and holding her back and hurting her kittens. They were maybe two or three years older than me and Yasu-kun and four in number. Since, the cat and kittens were in a narrow path near Yasu-kun's house, there was nobody but us there.

 " Leave Mashi-chan alone!" Yasu-kun yelled. The boys didn't pay any attention to us and kept kicking the defenceless kittens. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed a few stones lying here and there and threw them at the boys to scare them away but I guess that wasn't the best move.

 " Oi, look, its 'hime-sama'." One said with a smirk and dropped the kittens and advanced in my direction.

 " Oh, what is the royal girl doing out of her palace? Eh?" Another one said.

 " If you don't back off, I will throw another stone!" I warned and readied myself to attack.

 " Get away from Umi-chan!" Yasu-kun said and got in front of me. I hated violence and I definitely hated seeing my friends get hurt. I could feel myself getting emotional when the four boys ganged-up on Yasu-kun. To my surprise Yasu-kun was a really good fighter but it was four against one, the odds were not in his favour.

" Don't hurt him!" I yelled without thinking and that was too a wrong move. One of the boys stopped attacking my friend and came to me and started pulling my hair. " Stop! It hurts!" I was crying by now and randomly starting throwing the rocks I collected before, but none of them hit. Yasu-kun was getting hurt too. It was all my fault! How? Everybody knew I wouldn't sell out even an enemy to my father. People started taking advantage of  that. I was just too kind.

" Not so tough now, are you?!" I opened my eyes slightly and looked around. Two boys were hurting Yasu-kun, one was pulling my hair and one was hurting Mash-chan and her kittens.

 " What are you looking at?!" One yelled at me and threw dirt in my face and I immediately closed my eyes feeling more tears welling up and I started coughing as some went in my mouth too.

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now