Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I couldn't stop crying. First the incident and now this. What was happening? Why was everything happening so suddenly? I am scared. Mom.

" Kazumi!" I looked around for the source of voice but all I could see was black smoke. " Kazumi!" But then a figure appeared from the smoke and I realised it was my father who kept calling me. Seeing my crying face, he quickly made his way to me and picked me in his arms and patted my back to soothe the crying.

" Takahiro, what is going on?" Father looked at the older man.

" Tajima. Some ninjas attacked the compound and took a few of us. That's why I called for you. But I didn't know you would come this soon."

" You are quite lucky we were passing by." Then otou-san stiffened a bit.

" What happened to him?" I looked and he was pointing at Yasu-kun who was draped over Tajima-san's shoulder.

" Ask your daughter." My father looked at me and noticed my slightly bruised face.

" What happened Kazumi?"

" We were....attacked...." I just needed to say this much and even though he got the wrong meaning that those ninjas that attacked the compound also came after us but I was OK with it. At least those boys wouldn't get hurt.

" And she was lucky that Madara sensed it." Tajima-san boasted about Madara who 'hn'ed. Seriously, what is it with that boy?!

" I am deeply thankful for that. Once the smoke clears out we can go back inside and discuss the matter at hand." The men nodded at each other and we waited for the situation to get under control. Yasu-kun was sent to a medic while we waited.

" Takahiro-sama! We have restored as much of the compound as possible." One man came and informed.

" You are dismissed." Father said and the man went off. " Tajima, let's go inside." Everybody started walking in the compound and went to the meeting room which was unharmed. 

My father sat me down on the floor-cushion next to him. I wiped my face off any tears and coughed a little then relaxed in my seat.

" Takahiro, I suggest we discuss this matter privately." Tajima-san said and I looked at him then my father who nodded.

" Ah. Kazumi, you go to where everybody else is and stay there until this meeting is over." I nodded and got up and went out of the meeting room.

" Kazumi-chan wait." I stopped and noticed Izuna following me. I guess he wasn't allowed to listen too.

" Don't use 'chan' for a crybaby Izuna." I looked at Madara behind Izuna and made a face.

~Madara's POV~

Does this girl hate me or something?

I shrugged and followed both Izuna and crybaby to the room where everybody else was. They were all women, not too old but they had white hair. Strange.

I sat in a corner with while Izuna followed the girl around. I watched the girl as she winced and flinched when an old lady started cleaning her face and treating the bruise. Then they both started laughing.

People here lived like they had no care in the world, no fear, no wars. It is like they live in....peace. Is this what our settlement would be like if Hashirama and I manage to achieve it? 

I clenched my fists. Hashirama is a Senju. We are bitter enemies and have many of each other. He was my only friend. With him, it was like we could really bring peace but now.....

" Nii-san. Juice?" I looked at Izuna who held out his hand which had a box of juice. Behind him stood that girl.

" I am not a kid Izuna."

" I never knew juice was for kids." The girl, Kazumi wondered out loud. " Wait, aren't you a kid? I mean ten-year olds are considered kids right?" She tilted her head in confusion and Izuna looked confused too.

" Wars and battles force you to grow up before time. Its something you would not know. Especially since your clan is somewhat involved in fake peace." I spat.

" Its not only wars and battles. Its also the feeling of pain that comes when you lose someone. Someone important." She smiled.

" You talk like you know what its like." I said crossed my arms. " You certainly don't look it."

" I just try not to dwell in the past. I don't look it because I hide it very well." I looked at her a little surprised. What happened to that crybaby from earlier? I flicked her forehead and went somewhere else but not before saying something.

" If you hide it, it will get nasty when its forced out."

" You should take your own advice." I looked back at her with a glare.

" Don't talk back to me so casually." I showed her my Sharingan and well, for children who don't know how scary it is, have no effect.

" Woah! Your eyes! They are red and black! How cool!" She started peering in my face to get a better look and Izuna was laughing silently.

Doesn't this girl how scary and ruthless Uchiha are? The term 'ignorance is a bliss' applies to her.

" Get away from me girl!" I exclaimed a little angered and pushed her back and deactivated my Sharingan. She landed on her butt.

" Mean boy." She said and went to Izuna and grabbed his hand. I raised an eyebrow. " Come, Zu-kun, I'll show you around."

Zu-kun? Just how pathetic can she get?

I laughed to myself and relaxed in my position a bit thinking why I even decided to save the girl. Should have just left her there to get beaten but then again with extra sharp senses such as my own, it was hard to block out the constant crying.

Am I going soft? Tch. 


¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now