Chapter 42

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~Third Person POV~

It was dark. Nothing could be seen. No objects could be made out. However, this blackness wasn't for long. A light approached. A person with a candle in his hand.

As he walked further and further, the light started spreading everywhere and soon it could be seen that the setting was a cave, with a dome's inside for a roof. It was small and cosy. It had a bed and a small table. It resembled a room.

The man placed the candle on the small table and the light shone on him now. He was complete white, nude, with zigzag pattern on his front. He had a creepy smile.

He placed a hand on the right-most wall and soon, it was enveloped in chakra, which melted the wall away and something else took its place.

Something blue and crystalline. Something, with a person in it.

The white man summoned a few paper tags and applied chakra in them too, making them take a hexagonal shape around the crystal cocoon.

Under his breath, he spoke some words and the tags started glowing red, encasing the crystal confinement and closing its boundaries against it. Little crystal shards flew everywhere and the man jumped back when there was a small explosion.

The smoke cleared out and the whole crystal was nowhere. In its place, stood the person with confusion and surprise written all over their face and upon question about the matter, the man's words only added to the confusion.

" You were frozen for a hundred years, Kazumi-sama."

~Madara's POV~

" Its done, Madara-sama." Zetsu informed me, morphing out of the ground where I stood, glaring at the Allied Shinobi Forces, who thought they could take me on.

" Stay there and look after every needs. If I come to know about any mishappening, it would be your head I would take." I passed him a sharingan look and watched as he disappeared.

" As you wish."

~Kazumi's POV~

" Wait wait! Back up a little! So you are saying that Madara froze me a hundred years ago and now there is a war going on? The Fourth Ninja War?" I asked the white guy, Zetsu, he told me his name. He nodded. " And he ordered you to take care of me while he takes care of the world?" he nodded again.

I got up from the bed, with much difficulty, considering I was frozen for a hundred years and pregnant for a whole century!! So I got up, and punched a wall.

" What is he thinking?!" I was angry at Madara for many reasons; freezing me, not being here, a world war? Is he insane?!

I was more angry than confused or shocked. All of this was surprisingly easier to absorb.

" He said he would take over the world and you would be his Queen." Zetsu spoke.

I turned around and gave him the most deadly glare I had ever given anyone. I wanted to pound this thing but an immense pain in my belly prevented that.

My baby!

" Kazumi-sama!" This guy was pretty loyal because a hand inside the left wall and a girl came out, scared. I looked at her through pained eyes and knew in an instant that Madara arranged this. I was about to go into labour when he froze me. I remembered. He took precautions. That idiot.

" Follow me!" That girl said and I nodded. She seemed to be a medic.

I was willing to trust her.


Sorry. So sorry that this is late.

Enjoy though. :)

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