Chapter 17

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~Kazumi's POV~

My eyes opened lazily but my mind was wide awake. The sunlight barging in my room was starting to annoy me when I woke up every morning. My feet made their way to the ground as I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

It took me half an hour to take a shower and another half to put on my usual elegant kimono by myself. I tied my hair in a side-braid and put on some light make-up.

There was a knock on my door. I placed my things back in the drawer and slipped on my shoes. I opened the door and confronted the maid sent to call me for breakfast.

" I will be there in a few seconds." I replied with a straight face and she went away.

I looked myself in the mirror one more time to see if something was out of place but I was presentable. I walked out of my room and quietly made my way to the dining room.

" Ohayo, Kazumi." I just nodded in acknowledgement of my father's greeting and took my seat opposite to him. We quietly ate then I was sent back to my room.

Every day of the past three years had been like this. I would wake up, complete my orders, go back to my room when I am not needed, go to the meeting room when needed, then sleep early in the night to get up the next morning only to follow the same routine.

Ever since my secret had gotten spilled and my chakra had been sealed, I was like this. I barely spoke to anyone, I hardly showed any interest in life activities and I never went against the rules.

People who had met me and had been with me during these past three years had told me about my change in behaviour. They said, I had become responsible but in my eyes, I had nothing else to do. They said, I have become submissive but in reality, I had changed.

My relation with my father got stressed every passing day to the point where I never said a word to him. Just nodding and shaking my head was my language.

As for a certain Uchiha who had stopped me from running away, I wanted to kill him if I met him again. I really cared for things that came under the title "First" so it was not a wise move when he stole my first kiss just because he was getting anxious. Just the thought of him made me angry.

I was now sitting in my room, slightly edgy but nonchalant for the most part. A few maids came into my room as they always did after breakfast and dressed me up for the meeting with suitors.

Yes. I was now nineteen years old so it was only natural to find somebody to get married to. I had been dressing up like this for the past few months for people I did not even know, just to reject them.

Yasu always laughed with me at the failure of those men who tried to win my heart by pathetic stuff. I was allowed time with Yasu but within the premises of the compound. Even he was sad about my change.

" Hime-sama, you are being called to the meeting room." One of the maids said. I nodded my head and went to where I was asked to go. I knew why I was called.

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now