Chapter 4

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~Kazumi's POV~

I showed Izuna around the compound but avoided the destroyed parts and steered clear from them. We arrived at my room and thankfully it wasn't caught in the crossfire or anything. I went into my room and told Izuna to wait while I changed my scraped kimono. When I walked back in the room, Izuna was looking at the family picture.

" You look like your mother."

" Everybody says that." I smiled and sat beside him.

" Where is she?"

" She is......dead." 

" Oh. I'm sorry."

" Its ok." Then it clicked. " Let's go to the infirmary. Yasu-kun would be there." I took Izuna's hand and without his consent, ran to the infirmary.

" Hime-sama! You can't go in!" One of the men guarding the infirmary told me.

" Why not?! I want to see Yasu-kun!" I flailed my arms back and forth and whined.

" There are a lot of wounded people there and the sight is not very pleasant so please, go back to where everyone else is."

" But-"

" Kazumi-chan, you should listen to this man. The doings of a battle are not very.....nice." I huffed at Izuna and sighed.

" Fine." I grumbled and started walking back to the room where everybody else was including Madara. 

That kid has issues.

When we arrived back, I slid down next to Izuna who sat beside his brother.

" I wonder what they are talking about. I really want to know....." I spoke out loud.

" Nothing less to expected from a spoiled brat." I glared at Madara who was relaxing in his position like nothing was happening around him.

" What's your problem?"

" Hn." A vein popped on my head and my all-time hidden temper started rising and I made a fist.

" I will ask you again. What's your problem?" I said in a dead tone grabbing the boy by his collar and showing him my fist.

" Kazumi-chan, Nii-san, don't fight." Izuna started but my anger had already been loosed.

" Split personality I see. But there is nothing you can do even if you get angry." 

That did it. My next move made every person in the room gasp and a body fall on the floor.

" Nothing I can do, eh? Don't judge people you rotten kid." I spat viciously and went to sit in the opposite corner of the room. I buried my face in my knees and wrapped my arms around myself.


~Madara's POV~

Did she just slap me? ME?!?!

" Nii-san, are you.......ok?" I sat back up and looked at Izuna.

" Ah." But he was still looking at me worriedly. " What?"

" You are bleeding....." That caught me off-guard. I wiped my hand on my cheek and then my mouth which got caught between my teeth and was now bleeding.

" Nothing I have not dealt with before. Don't worry, Izuna." He looked at the ground and nodded.

I looked around and spotted the 'hime' of Sonaeru Clan sitting in the corner opposite from me. She had her face hidden in her knees and her arms wrapped around herself. I sighed and rubbed my cheek again. 

How hard did she hit.....? Beside, how did she even manage to hit ME?!

I was shocked. A girl, a spoiled rotten brat at that, managed to slap me in her anger and with such force that it knocked ME to the ground......? What is that girl.....?

I found myself looking at Kazumi again well more like glaring. Suddenly, her head popped up and she left the room, again.

Where the hell is she going now?

I looked at Izuna and he was zoning out so I quietly got up and followed the brat silently, making sure she won't be able to detect me. Like hell she would be. She isn't even a shinobi.

She seemed to be in a daze as she turned around random corners and descended many stairs into a cellar-basement type room whose door was blasted and wood and metal rods were scattered everywhere.

What hell broke loose here?

I was surprised at the level of destruction here. Come to think of it, what is this place? And why is it so under the ground?

" K-kaori-chan?" My thoughts broke and I once again looked at the heir of the clan. She was looking around and walking deeper into the dark room.

The whole place was reeking with the stench of blood. I activated my sharingan and scouted the room for any chakra signature but when I found none, I deactivated it and followed Kazumi in the cellar-basement room. Out of the blue, she screamed.

What happened now?!


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