Chapter 15

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~Kazumi's POV~

Damn that hariyama! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate h-aaah!! I bit my tongue! Grr!!

I woke up this morning with a really bad headache and loads of people guarding my room. I could see a bunch through the window. There goes my privacy. It made me angry but what's more annoying is that Madara betrayed me last night.

He could have taken my side and told father to let me do what I want to do but nooooo! I am so angry with him right now!

After getting my chakra drained two times in one day, I didn't even feel like doing anything the next morning, not to mention, I would have to face my father and some hariyama if I left my room.

I felt so weak, so useless. I just paced my room while drying my hair but stopped when there was a knock on the door. With a really big frown on my face I opened the door. I didn't even both hiding my annoyance when the person turned out to be the one who I was hating right now.

" K-"

" Get lost." I did not let him say a word and shut the door in his face then threw my towel on the bed. I bent down and took out my medical ninjustu books from their compartment and looked at them for a while. Everything made me angry right now.

I opened the door and walked out with the books in my arms, towards the meeting room where I was sure my father would be. I encountered Madara in the halls but just 'humph'ed and walked past him, not uttering a word.

I knocked once and barged in the room without permission and threw the books in front of my father. He called me ill-mannered last night, then there was no point in behaving now.

" Might as well confiscate them. I'm sure you are not going to die any time soon." I said bitterly then left the meeting room and a bewildered father behind.

Next I went to the kitchen and placed some food on my plate then went back to my room. Again, I passed by 'him' but didn't even spare him a glance. I am going to make him non-existent.

I silently ate then placed the empty plate aside and looked out the window. Well, when I opened it, some guards got hit by the panels so now they were standing a little further. But one of them came and stood right in front of me, blocking my view.

" Hey! Do you mind?!" I yelled and threw my plate at him. He didn't budge. " Ugh! Forget it!" I closed the window with a thud and crossed my arms in anger.

Then, there was another knock on the door. I sighed and went to open it. This time, Yasu was the one. I smiled and let him in.

" You look angry." He commented and sat with me beside my bed.

" I am angry." 

" Anger will make you ugly if you don't let it go." He teased like always. I punched his arm.

" Then I'm going to take it out on you." I threatened with a smirk. The boy gulped.

" O-on second thought, keep it to yourself." We laughed but Yasu got serious all of a sudden. " I'm here for a reason."

" You didn't get into any trouble right?" I asked. I would really feel guilty if I got him in some mess as well.

" No. Your father told me to give you this." I raised my eyebrow and took the paper from him.

" What the heck is this?" 

" Um.... Things you're forbidden to do from now." He answered scratching the back of his neck. I made a face.

" Oh. Let's see." I started reading from the paper. " No clan rounds, no training, no roaming out of the compounds, no reading of ninja-related books, no going to cats, no- HECK! What's left?! He should have added no food or just written 'no life'!" I exclaimed getting hyper, again.

" Well you did something forbidden, these consequences are quite fitting." I immediately grabbed my pillow and playfulyl suffocated him.

" You're taking otou-san's side? I cannot trust any of you from now!!" He just laughed and I stopped after a few minutes.

" You know, Takahiro-sama said something else as well." I looked at him curiously. " That if you responsibly repent to your 'sins', you would be allowed some freedom back."

" There might be a catch." I wondered rubbing my chin. " How can I trust that old man?"

" He loves you too much. It hurt him to do what he did."

" I could care less." But suddenly, Yasu grabbed my hands in a gentle hold and came closer to my face, like really close. I was surprised and leaned back a bit to create some distance.

" Kazumi, suitors will start arriving when you turn of age. You have only two years. We have only two years together. Can you please just go with things so we can hang out again?" He sounded so.......alone.

Oh crap. I completely forgot about that.

" U-uh, s-ure." I didn't know why I was stuttering but that convinced my friend that I would try. Well, I would.

" By the way, how are your wounds?" I blinked then shook my head.

" Fine. I even forgot they were there." I said grinning.

" I am so relieved." I nodded and after a while, Yasu was called back. He gave me some new things to think about. But something that occupied my mind the whole time was.....

My future.


Madara is being ignored~! Haha! Literally people, that is so my behaviour when people offend me. :D

Anyway, some Madara in next chappy. And also a surprise too! :D

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Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^ 


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