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~Kazumi's POV~

" Yes, there, good Hariyama." I patted Madara's back when he finally understood where I wanted my tomatoes planted.

" Nakimushi..." He mumbled under his breath and looked away.

" What was that?"

" N-nothing."

" Good husband." I smiled. " Now carry me back in so I can make some lemonade for you." He quietly obliged.

My jutsu worked and I had been able to transfer my other self's soul into Madara, to revive him. But I had not known of my success till after a few weeks because even though Madara was instantly cured, I had been unconscious for a huge amount of time. When I came to, the first thing I saw was Madara, holding Shinji and playing with his hands.

I clearly remember when I jumped from the bed and quickly snatched my son from his father's hold and clutched him close to me. I told Madara he won't be having time with Shinji until he had me convinced that whatever he did, it had a purpose and until he had answered every single one of my questions.

My questions and his story went on for two days, in the end of which, Madara literally cried to prove he was being manipulated and that he was sorry about it. And I did what I thought was right; I forgave him. Sure it might be naive in the eyes of some, but when in love, forgiveness often comes easy.

But that did not mean I let Madara have the easy way out. I bossed him around when we bought a new home in the countryside with huge farms. I made Madara promise me that he won't ever use his sharingan and pick up fights on purpose and also that he'd take up farming. It came to his pride in the end but thank goodness his love for me was stronger.

So now, Madara does farming, I sometimes help the ladies around the vicinity, sometimes there is a small feast in the area. Oh did I mention, that to avoid suspicion of being recognised as Uchiha Madara, he even cut his hair and in public his name became "Hariyama-san". I laughed really hard over that one, because I accidentally called him that one day and it became his name.

And Shinji?

Shinji was now five years old, the favourite of the old ladies and eye candy for the little girls with his black hair and blue eyes and a flirty nature which I don't know whom he got it from.

Madara trained Shinji in the forests nearby on weekends, which was the only kind of fighting I allowed. Shinji took up after my Sonaeru chakra and never gained the Sharingan. To my surprise Madara was not a least bit disappointed. In fact, he thought it well that Shinji won't have to carry the burden that comes with these eyes.

Five years back, Madara bought me two other cats, a couple and I named them Madanii, Aranii and then they had babies. Shinji became quite attached to them.

" When Shinji's out, doesn't it get lonely in here?" Madara asked, his hand creeping up my shirt, as I made his lemonade.

" I have no idea what you're talking out." Only, I had.

" Oh you don't-"

" Your drink." I handed it to him then smirked. " Drink up. You'd need the energy." In one swig, it was gone and in one second, he had me pinned.

Among raising Shinji, getting some life back, looking after the farms and being busy, I forgot how much I loved Madara and the way he responded to my advance, let me knew, we were still young and still in love with each other.

" Is this a lesson on how to make babies, Dad?" Madara turned his head, where he had me against the wall and looked at Shinji.

" You sure you can handle this lesson?" I slapped Madara's shoulder and freed myself.

" Shinji, go out to play again. You're allowed." I allowed the boy so we could have some privacy. It was a small house so noises travelled fast.

" Alright." He began walking slowly then picked up pace but before exiting the house, he yelled something that left both of us parents slightly pink in the face. " Make sure its a sister!"

" Which one of us is the pervert he took after?" I asked Madara with raised eyebrows.

" Definitely me." He answered and picked me up on his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom. Something told me he had plans.

" Go easy on your waifu, hariyama-san." I teased and succeeded when he bit my lip. " Eeww, blood." I tasted.

" Don't worry, after some lemons, blood is good." He said and licked there. When he was doing that, I grabbed his lip in my teeth and made him look at me. I needed to say it before we began and started losing our senses.

" I love you, Madara." I released him and he kissed me.

" I love you, Kazumi." He smiled and I knew, I was content.

~The End~

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now