Chapter 6

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Otou-san...?" I looked up at my father with a confused look. He only held my hand a little tighter and led me to the meeting room.

" Tch. Crybaby is here." I glared at Madara who just casually slumped in his seat and shrugged. 

Why were they in the meeting room as well? Usually father discussed things in private, without me or as a matter of fact, children. So why now?

Otou-san sat down on his cushion and I sat beside him. Tajima-san and his sons were seated opposite to us. Father cleared his throat and placed something wrapped in a bag on the table. Maybe it was money.

" I humbly request the Uchiha Clan to accept this mission from us, the Sonaeru Clan to bring peace to whoever pulled such a tragedy over us." He said in a serious tone, bowing his head a little.

" We will." Tajima-san took the wrapped thing and nodded. " Madara and Izuna will assist me in this one. No matter how long it takes, we will complete this mission. They will bring in reports from time to time. Takahiro, you do not need to worry." They both shook hands and then Tajima-san looked at me. " By the time she is of age, this mission will be over."

Of age? 

" Arigatou, Tajima." Everybody stood up and the Uchiha's started to make their leave.

" And I also got 'that one 'too." Both men smirked at each other.

Ok, now I am confused. Of age? That one? What is going on here?!

I sighed and when everybody left, I went to my room as well. It was a little sad that I won't be able to see Izuna much but I was glad on the other hand that at least I won't have to see that grumpy Madara.

Yasu-kun was still in the infirmary but he was recovering well. I went there every now and then with flowers and now news of Mashi-chan. 

Time went by quite fast after the incident. Yasu-kun had recovered and I had made a resolve that I won't be a burden to anyone anymore. I wanted to at least learn a few basics of fighting to defend myself. So once Yasu-kun had recovered I confronted him about that. First he was not willing but then I pulled my pouting-crying-begging face and he had to oblige. Only men in our clan were allowed to fight so it wasn't such news that Yasu-kun was a great fighter. 

When I got sixteen, otou-san appointed Yasu-kun as my personal guard which I was quite happy with. That gave us more time to train together. 

Yasu-kun er Yasu, he got a little mad one day that I still called him 'kun' despite out age so I resorted to just his name. He said my movements were swift and fast, almost faster than him. I was proud of myself for that.

In the hours after the curfew which was 6 PM, I secretly studied about Medical Ninjutsu. Father put a curfew because there could be enemy ninjas in the shadows during night and I was way too valuable right now.

I dearly miss Kaori-chan but I got over her death some time earlier. When I reached fifteen, my father had told me about the dark secrets of the Sonaeru Clan and it took me a while to absorb all that information. It was hard knowing that you could be capable of assassination.

I now understood what Tajima-san meant by 'of age' years ago but the other mission he talked about, I never got that. There was a certain age when women in our clan 'phased' as father put it and honestly, I am scared out of my wits because I am already of that age.

But the mission otou-san gave to the Uchihas wasn't resolved yet, in fact, Madara and Izuna often visited the clan to give some reports and by their reports, the women that were taken years back were either dead now or the evil people killed them.

When the two Uchiha visited, my friendship with Izuna was turning into a brother-sister bond while Madara.... I HATE THAT BOY!! Come to think of it, it was already time for them to give their next set of report.

I sighed and closed the book on healing ninjutsu and ran my hand through my thigh-length night blue hair. I grew them out because Yasu liked them long. Well, he took my advice about his appearance too and now whenever I go outside the compound with him, people, mostly girls, always look at him with starry eyes. And I would be lying if I said he isn't charming. 

Smiling, I hid the book in the underground cavity I had made with all the other books and pulled the mat over it.

I usually sleep late but tomorrow, since Yasu said he would train me a bit more harshly, I have to get full sleep or I would end up with wounds and that would get both Yasu and me in trouble. Training and practising with chakra was strictly prohibited for women since that could accelerate the 'phase'.

I sighed as I changed into my night clothes and pulled the sheets over my head and went into deep slumber.


Um readers..... I was wondering if I should do a Tobirama story. Leave your suggestions in the comments if you think its cool. And also, please do read my other works too! 

Thank you!

Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^


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