Chapter 30

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~Kazumi's POV~

My body is aching all over. My chest feels heavy. My mind is numb.

I tried repeatedly to open my eyes, to escape this darkness that has enveloped itself behind my closed eyelids.

I could not even budge a finger, let alone open my eyes. All the strength in my body was nowhere to be found. I was scared because of that. I was scared because I was weak.

I tried again. And again. This never ending abyss was swallowing my energy and feeding on my consciousness.

I felt helpless and hopeless Nd soon even my breathing started to get laboured. I was suffocating.  I was scared. I was weak. Amidst my vulnerability, I thought of only one thing that could help me. I screamed. Screamed for what? Screamed for who?

" MADARA!" The moment his name escaped my swollen lips, my eyes shot open and I found my breath returning.

My trembling body sat up on my bed and gripped the comforts. I pushed it aside and quickly got out of bed. The darkness of my room had my heart hammering in my chest.

I wanted to see him. I needed to see him. I needed to see if he was ok. I needed to see if he was alive. I won't be able to bear his death too. I love him too much.

As my feet carried me out of my room and circled the whole house in search of my beloved husband, only one though circulated my mind.

Madara, please be ok.

~Madara's POV~

" Nii-san?" I looked up at Izuna when he called my name. " You spaced out again."

I closed my eyes and sighed. I was stuck in another meeting with the heads in the main compound.

I kept spacing out for some reason. My chest felt constricted and my mind was panicking. My vision would blur and blacken for a few seconds and sometimes even my hands shook.

" I am out of here. This meeting will continue some time else." I spoke and quickly left the room full of stuck-up heads.

I was worried about Kazumi. She hadn't woken up in three days. It was driving me crazy. The absence of her voice, even though obnoxious and annoying sometimes, it was taking a toll on me, especially when I sat by her and waited for her to open her beautiful eyes.

As I was walking back to my house, I felt an intense wave of pain followed by my ears ringing. In my head, there was a voice that I longed to hear again but it was strained and afraid as it screamed my name. At that moment I knew that Kazumi and I were now connected in heart and soul.

I did not have to think twice before increasing my pace back home. The knowledge that my Kazumi could be awake, had me rush down the streets towards my safe haven. Towards my Kazumi.

~Kazumi's POV~

The night wind played with my hair and hit against my skin in gentle blows. I tried gathering energy to walk back in the house but my body was losing its strength. I gazed off into the distance and tried keeping my eyes open. It seemed impossible. I was fading again.

My eyes closed but shot open when I heard my name. It was faint and almost felt like I was hearing things. But I wasn't. Because, followed by that melodious voice was the owner's hot touch.

" Kazumi." I lazily glanced over at the source and immediately all my strength returned.

" Madara!" I exclaimed and jumped on him, my lanky arms hugging his buff body close to me. " You are ok!"

" Of course I am. What could possibly happen to ME?" I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic tone and lightly punched his shoulder.

" Well, something could. You are always so cocky and prideful, so I would not be surprised if something did happen." I answered him with a smirk as I let him go and made some distance between us. I had jumped on him on instinct so now my whole face was burning red.

" This is the Kazumi I missed for three days." I looked away from his intense gaze, my smirk gone.

" I... I didn't hurt you...right?" I couldn't help but ask. My heart was beating hard again when our eyes met. He placed a hand under my chin and softly answered me.

" No. You did not." I knew he was lying. Phasing was one thing that could hurt him worse than any other. Even though it was momentarily an lasted less than a minute, I am sure it would have hurt.

I nodded to him in understanding when no words dared escape my lips. We were both not only looking into each other's eyes but also peeking in the souls that were now connected.

I did not know what would happen now. We just kept staring at each other. Well, something did happen but it was not what I had expected. At least not my reaction to it.

My being was on fire when I realised that Madara had placed his lips softly onto mine. My reaction to it was me wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing myself against his solid chest, deepening the kiss. I wanted it rough and fast, however, much to my surprise, I found a gentleness in Madara that opposed mine.

I did not want to part from him. I was scared I would lose him. I was afraid that he would say something that could hurt me. I wanted to savour this moment as much as possible because I feared that such a time would not exist again.

But all my fears and insecurities were proved wrong when the kiss ended and Madara whispered the most powerful words to me. " I love you, Kazumi."

I nodded as he kissed my forehead and brought me closer to him. " I love you, Madara."


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Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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