Chapter 33

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~Kazumi's POV~

" Madara, please, get some rest." I pleaded, my hand on his shoulder while we sat in front of Izuna's room. I was not graced with an answer.

Even after four days of burying Izuna, Madara had not said one word. He just sat in Izuna's hallway and stared at nothing, not eating and drinking.

He was sad and angry. I tried my best staying strong so I would not weaken him anymore but his emotions were way stronger than mine and instead, he made me weak and often times sick too.

Four days of me trying my best to make him feel better and him not uttering a single word or even glancing my way, it was choking me, killing me inside. It was unbearable.

" Madara-" My hand was immediately slapped away. I held my bruised right hand in my left and caressed the swollen area. It pained since his chakra was disturbed and seeped out when he hit me.

He hit me.

And did not even seem fazed by it.

This does it.

" Fine! I have had it with you! Go ahead and keep yourself glued here! But let me tell you Izuna is dead! He is not coming back you pathetic delusional excuse of a clan leader! What even are you waiting for?! Sure I too am sad because of his passing but you have a whole clan Madara! You have every right to act this way but your condition is worsening mine by the second! So stop being so stuck up and pull yourself together! Your clan needs their leader! I... I need my husband!"

I waited for a few seconds for any reaction. Waited a few more. But nothing. Nothing!

My head hung in defeat while my eyes stung with inevitable tears sliding down eventually from the rims of my sad eyes.

I quietly left as soon as I could. I was angry, defeated, hurt, disgusted even. I did not want to breathe in the same air as that miserable Uchiha.

Every emotion I had been holding in since my phasing came pouring out, clouding my vision and breaking my composure. It all came out in loud sobs and vandalism of anything I got my hands on.

This show of emotion would surely empty me. Maybe it would be for the best. Maybe I am better being dead. Maybe.

~Madara's POV~

My eyes were hard. My hands still clenched the fabric of my yukata. My heart still wept for my lost brother.

It was not only pain of Izuna's passing away that lingered but also a new pain. The one I caused Kazumi. I did wrong to her so these were her emotions punishing me.

I sighed and contacted my fisted hand with the wooden floor. I was lacking strength and it was because of that I lost my brother to those measly Senju.

Being connected with Kazumi, I could easily tell that after yesterday when I had pushed her help aside, she was in worse condition. Her pain became mine. Her sadness added to mine. I caused this. It is only fitting that I make it right now.

I was more than willing to get on my knees to apologise to my love and was about to stand up when one of the elite Uchiha appeared suddenly.

Getting on one knee and bowing his head, he spoke. " Madara-sama, we have successfully located Takahiro-sama. What are your orders?"

Kazumi's father had finally been located. I assume he his alive as well.

" Gather troops. I will not let any more lives to be wasted." I ordered and got on my feet.

Izuna. I will avenge you soon.


>.> <.<

I still have my Japanese exam on 16th but I had time so here's the chappie!

Vote and comment!

Thank you!

Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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