Chapter 11

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~Kazumi's POV~

Today I had woken up earlier than usual and studied about healing human beings. Since that hariyama managed to wound me yesterday, I had no choice but to proceed with my schedule faster than it should be.

So I had some books scattered in my bed as I studied from them. It was difficult but it was a human body we are talking about so of course its going to be hard.

I was so absorbed in studying that when I heard a knock on the door, I panicked. I picked up the mattress of the bed and hid the books under it then made my bed. Whoever was knocking was getting impatient I could tell as now the door was being banged on.

I smoothed my kimono and opened the door. The smile I wore faltered and I gave the man in front of me a sour look.

" What do you want?" I asked.

" Good morning to you too, nakimushi." Madara greeted and pushed me aside and barged in without my permission.

" Oi! Who the heck gave you permission to waltz in my room?" 

" Isn't it obvious that I don't ask for permission?" He asked looking around. I shut the door with a thud and took a seat on my bed while the Uchiha sat in front on a chair and looked out through the window.

" What do you want?"

" How is your wound?"

" Much better, no thanks to you." I stuck my tongue out. " Why did you come here?"

" Why are you up so early?" I fumed.

" I asked you something first."

" You answer first, then I will." He smirked. I sighed.

" Fine. I was studying medical ninjutsu."

" Ho? How far have you progressed?"

" Just finished human healing." Then something struck me. " Hey! I asked you a question too!"

" I am not obligated to answer it." That was it.

I picked my pillow and threw it at his face. Perfect score.

" Haha! Some ninja you are! You couldn't even dodge it!" I laughed at Madara's annoyed face. It was so fun teasing him. 

In a mere second I was on my back against the bed with the Uchiha hovering over me, pinning both my arms above my head and smirking. Oh how much I hated that smirk. It always meant something serious was about to go down. 

" Should I show you just what I can do?" I gulped. I couldn't find my voice, let alone form an answer. I wasn't scared but surprised. I couldn't quite place it but I liked this and not like this. " Well?"

After not getting an answer from me, one of his hands left my wrists and was about to touch my face but I brought up my knee and kicked him where it hurts, hard.

" Not all women fall for Uchiha charms. Keep that in mind." I spat and pushed the pained man aside then got up, adjusted my kimono and smacked his head. " And never touch me again." As I said those words, the Uchiha poofed into smoke.

I had heard of this. A shadow clone jutsu. Very well Uchiha.

~Madara's POV~

Why do I let my guard down everytime that nakumishi is around? Is it that subconsciously I believe that she would not attack me?  Well that can't be it. She has slapped me twice and kicked my clone in the privates.

Just as I thought, that girl is interesting.


Hehehehe.... :D :D 

Filler chapter but I am not sorry ;) 

And that is Yasu on the side :) HE IS HAWT!! <3 <3

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Itachi_warrior desu! ^/_\^


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