Chapter 18

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~Kazumi's POV~

Even though I was speaking out of place, I did not care. This Uchiha was one person I never wanted to see again. I hated him from every fibre of my being!

" Kazumi! Show some respect!" Father scolded and I just crossed my arms and looked away. 

" He is not worthy of my respect, 'otou-sama'." I spat and made a face.

" He is the leader of Uchiha so you better-"

" Izuna would have been a better choice for the leader." I wondered ignoring my father.

" As feisty as I remember." Madara said with a smirk.

" Wow, I am impressed that you have such good memory." I mocked with fake happiness. His smirk widened and I did not like it one bit.

" Impressed enough to agree for our marriage?" He asked with a chuckle.

" What?!" I exclaimed, shocked. Madara then looked at my father with a questioning look.

" She doesn't know?" He asked and I looked angrily at the head of Sonaeru Clan.

" Doesn't know what?" I pressed glaring at my father then at Madara.

" That your marriage with him was decided years ago." Otou-san answered with a stern look.

My heart skipped a beat. Then it started beating faster. I was angry but for some reason I was finding it hard to show it. It was like I knew it all along. Knew that something like this would happen.

" Hn. I refuse." I stated plainly, my face straight. Showing them my nasty anger would be a waste.

" You cannot!" My father yelled.

" You can't exactly force me either. This is something I have a say in too." I noticed the Uchiha smirk.

" Maybe I haven't impressed you enough." He said. I narrowed my eyes when he got up from his seat and walked to me. He bent to my level and extended his hand to ask for mine. " If you care to join me, I shall show you something that will change your mind about me." He said in a silky smooth voice.

" Being kind and gentle now won't get you anywhere. If you want so badly to change my mind then kindly go in the past and mend what you destroyed there." I spoke flatly and closed my eyes. 

" I knew you would behave like this." I opened my eyes at his comment only to find the Uchiha looking at my father for what seemed like permission. Otou-san nodded, permission granted.

What were they agreeing to.....?

I didn't have to guess because in just 10th of a second, Madara swiped me off my feet and in his arms. Before I could even say a single word of protest, he teleported to very familiar surroundings of my room and placed me back on my feet.

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now