Chapter 37

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~Madara's POV~

" Its been a while, Madara-boy." I nodded back at Nekobaa, acknowledging her greeting when I stepped into her lounge. She liked living like this. Unlike her name, she was not that old, hardly any wrinkles.

" You still have cats everywhere-"

" NEKOOOO!!" I mentally slapped my forehead at my wife's childish behaviour at the sight of so many cats. " Ah~ This is heaven~" Kazumi sung, already cuddled with twenty or so cats.

" So what brings you here, Madara-boy?" I sat down in front of Nekobaa, completely neglecting that Kazumi should be here, participating in this conversation but she seemed like having a good time so I did not want to bother her.

" She needs to get in control." I just needed to say that and she got the meaning.

" So you picked a Sonaeru. How unlikely of an Uchiha to have a Lady on par to himself." I smirked.

" That is precisely the reason. Submissive women are no fun."

" There is a small house twenty minutes further. Make your stay there as long as you please." I nodded and stood up. " Treat her well, Madara-boy."

" That goes without saying."

~Kazumi's POV~

" Oi, hariyama, how long?" I asked, getting really tired of walking. I had to leave behind my cat heaven and follow Madara to who knows where. I mean there's no ill feeling about following my husband but cats...

" Just a little further.." He answered in a far off tone which threw me back in my mind which holstered questions about heirs and little Uchihas.

" Madara..." I spoke after a while and stopped in my tracks. He looked over his shoulder briefly before sighing and walking to me.

" You only just became my wife, we don't need to rush this." He seemed to know what was bothering me. He always seemed to know. I looked up at him and made a face.

" But it is normal and there really is no rush and it won't be a burden to me I promise and an heir-" I was cut short, by his lips on mine, in a kiss soft and lingering.

He should shut me up like this more often.

" I want to spend some alone time with you before little ones start stealing you from me." Madara said, looking directly into my eyes with his burning ones. I felt a grin creeping on my face. I couldn't stop it.

" Uchiha Madara, are you jealous?" I asked, to lighten the air, nudging him in the ribs with my elbow.

" Even if it's my flesh and blood taking you away from me, of course I'd be jealous." I full on laughed now.

" You are so cute right now!" I exclaimed, glomping him in a hug.

" Only for you."


Short yes. Sorry yes.

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Itachi_Warrior desu~! ^/_\^


¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now