You Have A What Now?

878 36 18

Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha
Get my pretty name outta your mouth
We are not the same with or without
Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
- Therefore I Am, Billie Eilish

Stop, what the hell are you talking about? HaGet my pretty name outta your mouthWe are not the same with or withoutDon't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feelTop of the world, but your world isn't realYour world's an ideal- Therefore I ...

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After a long annoying flight, we finally arrived in Italy. As soon as we were able to grab our things, I found MJ and went straight to her immediately.

"So much for our movie plans," she commented.

"Yeah," I agreed as I hosted my bag up.

"You had to sit next to Brad. That must have sucked." She noticed him grabbing his luggage and send him a glare. "Looked like he was getting cozy with you."

I rolled my eyes and replied sarcastically, "Yes, because watching horror films and making fun of the bad death scenes means something to him." We started following the class out.

"He was trying to get you to laugh. If that doesn't say he's flirting with you then I don't know what does."

"There was nothing to laugh about. He's not that funny. The only time I've laughed was with Peter, who Brad knows I'm with."

"That doesn't matter to people nowadays."

"Trust me, Brad isn't my type."


I raised my brow at her. "Do you like him or something?"

MJ snorted. "Oh, God, no. That's another thing we've got in common." She looked up ahead and rolled her eyes. "Great, here he comes." I let out an oomph when she shoved me forward. "I'll distract him. Go with Peter."

"I'm not talking to him right now."

"So? Either you go makeup with him or he's going to follow you around like a lovesick puppy. And I don't really like the second option because it's going to ruin my trip."

MJ has a point. All through the flight, I could feel Peter's anxiety. I pretended to fall asleep at some point and used my astral projection to see if Peter was looking at me. I was right when I saw him looking at the back of my head nervously while fidgeting in his seat.

"Be glad I tolerate you," I said before grabbing my things.

She smirked. "You love me."

I sighed as I looked around the airport and found Peter. I adjusted my backpack and made my way towards him. My brows furrowed in surprise when I saw Betty walking up to Ned. They exchanged a few words before she kissed his cheek. Ned booped her nose before she left. Did I miss something?

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I finally made my way over.

Ned had the goofiest grin on his face. "Uh, well, we actually got to talking on the plane, and it turns out we have a lot in common. So, uh, we're boyfriend-girlfriend now," he explained.

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