Moment Ruined

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I can't believe how ridiculous I look

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I can't believe how ridiculous I look. After Quentin left, MJ dragged me towards her room to help me get ready for the opera. I stood in front of her mirror, eyeing the dress I had to wear. It isn't something I would typically wear but I'll admit the purple is a nice color.

"Do I really have to wear this thing?" I asked as MJ motioned for me to do a small twirl

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"Do I really have to wear this thing?" I asked as MJ motioned for me to do a small twirl. I sighed in annoyance as I complied. "I look ridiculous."

"And I usually wouldn't care about helping you choose an outfit but I'll make an exception tonight," MJ said, already ready for the opera. 

"Since when do you care about this?"

"I don't but, as Ned likes to put it, I'm not letting my ship sink."

I slowly nodded my head in understanding. "You think Peter and I are gonna break up?"

That time she snorted. "Of course not. But with Brad and the whole Quentin's up to Ned and me to save your guys' relationship. Well, it's mostly up to me to save your guys' relationship."

"Brad needs to get over the fact I'm with Peter and Quentin is just an old friend back at the orphanage."

"Good to hear." She came over and got close to my face. She brought two fingers up and placed them on the corners of my lip before moving them up to make it seem like I'm smiling. "Now, smile. This is technically your date with Peter."

I swatted her hand away. "Yes, because spending four hours in the theatre watching an opera sounds like a great idea," I stated sarcastically.

MJ raised her brow at me. "I thought you'd like the opera."

"Not when the entire class is joining us." I turned around and tried to fix the hem of the dress. "Even then, I don't think Peter likes this sort of thing."

"But he's gonna suck it up because he knows you like it. And, like you said, it's a four-hour opera. He must really love you if he's not complaining like 90% of the class." MJ took out her phone. "If it makes you feel better, I got a photo of Flash's face when they made the announcement."

"How disappointed was he?"

MJ chuckled as she showed me the pic. "Very."


It was amusing hearing Flash complain about going to the opera instead of the biggest party in the world. Most of my classmates had a resting bitch face, even Mr. Dell.

"Ok, here we are. Beat the rush," Mr. Harrington said as we entered the close-to-empty theatre.

"Yeah, the rush out," Mr. Dell commented.

"Lucky for us, we got the best seats in the house."

I sighed as I looked around the theatre. I remember Tony would bring me to a few operas because of a charity event. I didn't really mind it but he kept looking bored and tinkering with whatever gadget he brought that day.

"Hey, Rach," Brad called out. He motioned to the seats. "I'll save you a seat."

"Actually," I started once MJ stood next to me, unaware of Peter standing behind us. "I'm gonna sit next to Peter." Then I motioned to MJ. "But I'm sure MJ would love to sit next to you."

"I would?" she repeated before I elbowed her side. "I mean, sure." She grabbed the sleeve of Brad's jacket. "I wouldn't want to be next to them when they start making out anyway."

I shook my head as I watch them take their seats. Peter stood next to me and said, "You look really pretty."

"And therefore, I have value?" I questioned with my brow raised.

Peter's eyes widened as he began to stutter, "No, that's not what I meant at all. I was just -"

"I'm messing with you." Peter sighed in relief. Go easy on the kid. I heard Tony's voice say. "You look...really great, Peter."

"Oh, my gosh! Opera glasses!" We heard Betty gasp. We turned to see her and Ned gushing over the opera glasses while grabbing a pair.

"Raven, did you really mean it when you said you'd sit next to me?" Peter asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean...this is your first opera. I would hope we would sit next to each other. Unless you don't want me to -"

"No!" He stopped me. "I just would want to sit next to MJ or -or Brad."

"Well, if it wasn't for the fact that we have other things to do, this could have...been a date for us."

"A date?"

I nodded. "And I would hope to share a pair of opera glasses with you, but -"

It's as if Fury knows when to ruin a moment cause his voice rang through our earpiece. "Are you guys in position?"

"No," Peter answered.

"Why the hell not? Parker? Raven?"

"We just arrived at the opera," I answered harshly. "We're on our way."

Peter and I moved our way around the students. Peter found Ned and grabbed him by the shoulders. " Hey, we gotta go. If anyone asks could you tell them...Raven isn't feeling too well so I took her back to the hotel room or something?"

Ned nodded. "Ok. You guys, be careful. And, whatever you do, please steer the monster away from the opera house."

"Yeah, Ned, we know."



"And Ned, can you do me one favor before we go?" I asked as Betty kept making faces behind.

"Sure, anything."

I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. "Can you take our picture?" I asked. "It's - It's for Pepper."

"Really?" Peter and Ned repeated.

"Uh, sure, but you gotta make it quick," Ned said. I nodded. I wrapped one arm around Peter's waist while he wrapped his around my shoulder. Peter smiled and I tried my best to but I just couldn't bring myself to. The only thing I can do was have the corner of my lips twitch to create a fake smile. Ned quickly took the pic. "There."

I snatched my phone from him. "Thanks, Ned. Now, we gotta go." I looked back at Betty while Peter and I made our way out. "And Betty if you keep making those annoying faces behind my back then I'll chop your hair off while you're sleeping."

Peter and I made our way outside. I was about to create a portal for us to go through but Peter snatched my wrist and pulled me in. He grabbed my face and gave me a long kiss. My eyes soon shut while I brought my hands up and wrapped them around his neck.

"What as that for?" I asked breathlessly, his hands still on my face.

"To, um, make up for the small moment we had in there," he answered.

"Yeah, Fury likes to ruin the moment, huh?" I joked.

Point proven when we heard Fury, "GUYS, WHERE ARE YOU?"

I sighed as I created a portal in front of us. "Let's go."


A/N: Fury, how dare you ruin a perfect moment when Raven isn't a bitch?!

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