I Have A Plan...Attack

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Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust.Will come
When you'll have to rise
Above the best and prove yourself
Your spirit never dies!
- Warriors, Imagine Dragons

Will comeWhen you'll have to riseAbove the best and prove yourselfYour spirit never dies!- Warriors, Imagine Dragons

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Tony and I flew up towards the sky as Thor yelled. Tony tried to attack him with the little armor ax from his suite but Thanos smashed him to the ground. I send a dark energy blast towards him, but he used his sword to deflect it as Cap threw his shield. Thanos brought his blade back to block the shield. He barely moved out of the way as Thor threw Mjolnir at him. I levitated one of the broken beams before tossing it at him. Thanos grabbed the beam before he spun around and hit Cap with it. I brought my hand up and caught Cap before he could fall into the rubble but Thanos backhanded me away from the trio.

Thor yelled again as Lightning engulfed his body. He shot it towards Tony to supercharge his suit before he sent a huge blast towards the eggplant. Thanos used his blade to create a windmill to bounce the attack off him. As Tony stepped closer to Thanos with his attack, Thor threw Mjolnir up and used Stormbreaker to bat it towards Thanos. Thanos managed to cancel Tony's attack and grabbed him to use as a shield so Mjolnir could hit him instead. An attack like that would have damaged his suit drastically.

I flew up again and send more dark beams towards him. Thanos used his sword to block each one before he tried to attack me. I waved my hand in front of me to create a small barrier to divert it. I saw an opening and levitated one of the larger beams to hit his stomach. Thanos staggered back as I jumped up, spun, before sending a swift kick to his face. Thanos grabbed my cape before he threw me on the ground. I let out a grunt before he lifted me again and punched my chest. I expected to fall hard but my cape wrapped itself around me before I landed. Shit, did Tony really add the cape Strange gave me to this outfit?!

I groaned as I landed not that far from Tony to see him not moving. My eyes widened. I slowly crawled over to him. I looked for the button on the side of his helmet before it disappeared. Tony's eyes weren't open.

"Tony," I began panicking. I shook him again. "Tony."

I heard Thor grunting. I looked to see Thanos bashing his head against the huge pile of rubble before tossing him across. Thor landed with a hard thud. Thanos kicked Thor in the chest before he punched him on the nose. Thor looked like that last punch made him dizzy a bit, but he was still able to lift his hand and call Stormbreaker. It almost went in his hand but Thanos grabbed it and tried to impale Thor with it. Thor used his hands to try and stop it but Thanos was stronger. He was able to push Stormbreaker a little closer to Thor's armor, near his heart.

I heard Tony groan next to me before he let out a cough. I sighed in relief when he woke up but it got cut short when I heard Thor's armor breaking. My head snapped towards them but my focus wasn't on them. It was on a certain Rogers as he made his way to Mjolnir. My eyes widened when Cap picked up the hammer and effortlessly threw it at Thanos, knocking him off Thor. My eyes widen again remembering back at the Avengers Tower when Steve moved the hammer a bit. I knew I didn't imagine it! Mjolnir levitated in the air a bit before it flew back to Steve.

"I knew it," I heard Thor whisper in awe.

"Should have known," Tony mumbled next to me.

Thanos kicked Thor back as Steve charged at him, Mjolnir swinging in one arm while he held his shield in the other. Thanos was about to stab Steve, but Steve was fast enough to swing Mjolnir on Thanos's raked chin. The swing was hard enough to knock Thanos down. Thanos was getting up. Cap threw his shield, which Thanos blocked, before throwing Mjolnir towards it. The hammer hit the shield creating this shockwave that knocked Thanos off his feet. The shockwave sent a few piles of brick and beams towards Tony and me. I brought my hands up and created a forcefield around us.

Cap jumped up and kicked Thanos before using his shield to punch him and swung the hammer again. Cap threw the shield again at Thanos's ugly face before swinging Mjolnir again. When the hammer came back, Steve lined his arm up. Lightning came towards the hammer before Cap channeled the lighting on the ground so it could strike Thanos. Thanos fell on the ground before Steve raised his arm again to get another charge of lightning before striking the plum again. Thanos's body jerked back and forth so Cap thought that it was a good idea to knock the Mad Titan out. He jumped up and was about to bash Thanos's head in, but he rolled out of the way before wrapping his big hand around Cap's throat.

Thanos slammed Steve into the ground. Steve rolled away as Thanos picked up his double-bladed sword before removing his helmet. Thanos went to jab Steve with his blade but Steve moved out of the way. Thanos kept swinging back and forth trying to hurt Cap, but he was blocking and dodging each attack. Thanos saw an opening and went to stab Cap's leg.

My eyes glowed white as I brought my hand up. "Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos!"

Right before the blade could pierce Cap's leg, my dark energy stopped Thanos. Thanos glared back at me before he kicked up a sharp metal pipe and kicked it towards me. My eyes widened as I crossed my arms and created a shield in front of me right as the tip almost pierced my heart. While I was distracted, Thanos backhanded Mjolnir away from Steve and kicked him. Thanos twirled his sword before he attacked Steve again. Cap brought his shield up and blocked each blow but the last one was so strong, it broke a small chunk of the shield. With the same amount of power, Thanos brought the sword up and kept bashing the shield, breaking it even more.

Cap lowered his shield for a second, but Thanos backswing sent Cap flying a few feet away from him. I could see Cap struggling to get up as Thanos decided it would be a great time to talk.

"In all my years of conquest...violence...slaughter," he began. "It was never personal. But I'll tell you now - what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet...I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much," he said.

I slowly got up as I see beams coming down from the sky. Thanos's army: the Chitari, Children on Thanos, the Outriders, the Sakaarans, even the Chitari Gorillas. I felt my hands glow as I prepare to protect Tony and me from Thanos's army. There were so many of them running towards their master. Cap and I could take a few, but we're not gonna be enough.

Cap painfully got up. He and I made eye contact. I nodded my head at him. I'll help Cap fight but my top priority is making sure Tony is safe. I heard a small crackling in my earpiece followed by the ringtone of a familiar communicator. I pulled out the communicator from my pocket to see the giant T lighting up. The crackling in my earpiece soon began clear as I heard...

"Hey, Cap. On your left."


A/N: OMG, the biggest chapter is next!!!!!!

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