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The news about the attack spread like wildfire

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The news about the attack spread like wildfire. As soon as we all returned to the hotel, Dr. Strange called my phone to make sure I'm ok. I know Strange enough it know that he knows I'm fine. So, this has to be Pepper's doing. Even the way Strange was asking me about the trip was weird.

"I told you, I'm fine," I repeated for the umpteenth time. "It was just someone causing trouble. Nothing I couldn't handle...with a little help."

"Oh, you mean with this Mysterio guy," Strange said. I guess that's the guy's hero name or something. "Good thing he was there. It looked like you were having trouble for a minute."

"It was strange. Everything I did to the creature did little damage but as soon as he shows up..." I trailed off. "It feels...It feels great to have someone backing me up again."

"And what about lover-boy?"

"Don't get me wrong, he did the best he could but...he should have just stayed back and let me and Mysterio take care of things."

"Nice to see who wears the pants in the relationship," he mumbled sarcastically.

"You should have seen Mysterio, Strange. He knows how to kick some ass. It's like your powers and mine combined."

"A grown man is wearing a fishbowl on his head. You would have found that stupid."

"It is, but it somehow works for him." I sighed. "How's everything at home?"

"Fine, if you like Mrs. Stark calling me every day to see if I could call you." I groaned. "I prefer not being a personal messenger but she wouldn't object if you decide to portal yourself home."

"And what did you tell her?"

"That I'm not your babysitter." Nice.

"This is why you're my favorite adult."

"There wasn't really a competition in that department." Strange was silent for a while. "Though, if you did want to come by the Sanctum, I wouldn't mind. I've got a few more books you could read here while you train some more."

This time I rolled my eyes. As much as I appreciate the gesture, I know Strange is busy and wouldn't have time to train me. This is his way to keep me in check because it's something Pepper wants.

"Tempting offer, but I have to pass. I'm on a trip. I'm supposed to be on vacation...until a few hours ago."

Strange scoffed. "You hate class trips and everyone who decided to go along with it."

I got up and made my way towards Peter's shared room with Ned. "That's true. But according to Peter, we both need this." I did my best Peter impression. "Take a break and leave the superheroing to the superheroes."

"That's a horrible thing to live by. No one can pause on being a hero. You just proved that when you faced Hydro-Man."

"Which took a lot of energy out of me. For once, I'm happy about sleeping on the way to Paris tomorrow." I turned the corner. "Are you keeping an eye on May and Morgan like I told you?"

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