Peter Panics

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They say she's too hot
They say she's too cold
Where she came from nobody really knows
They say she looks young but say she acts old
From everything I've heard she gets out of control
- Rumors, NEFFEX

They say she's too hot They say she's too cold Where she came from nobody really knows They say she looks young but say she acts old From everything I've heard she gets out of control- Rumors, NEFFEX

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I knew I made the right decision to go into more hero work. The rush I've felt before is slowly coming back to me. I've skipped so many classes whenever I heard someone is in trouble. I've been so buried into my work that I almost ignored everything and everyone else. I'm barely home, so Pepper and Morgan have seen me. The only way they knew I was there is when I leave coffee for Pepper in the morning a few minutes before she wakes up. 

As for Peter, we haven't gone out that much. In the past three months, we've probably have gone out at least twice. Even then, I would cut them short whenever I see something going on. Strange seemed to get it and taught me a new skill that lets me sense danger. Think of it as Peter's Spider-Sense. I don't get this weird tingle as he does though. My chest gets this weird yearning that makes me want to jump out of my seat and only gets stronger the closer I get to it. That's one of the reason's why I like having Strange as my mentor, he doesn't treat me differently like everyone else.

And thanks to this newfound skill I was able to feel the danger that was coming from one of the liquor stores on my way to school. I already missed first period but I'm fine with that. It was just one guy and it's not hard for me to leave my hood up so no one can know it's me. Not to mention my eyes changing red really helps me in situations like this. Happy was a little concerned with it since he's only seen me with them when I'm mad but just like everyone else...he doesn't understand. I just dodge the question by asking him about May. It's weird, they've gotten extremely close. The only person Happy was ever close to was...Tony.

"Thank you, stranger!" the owner said with a wave as I flew it in the air. I used my magic to wrap the robber up to the street light. The street light was wrapped around his body when the cops came. At least this was a quick save. If Peter was here then he would have tried to help me.

I just nodded to the owner before creating a portal and going through it. The moment I entered it, my clothes changed to my usual hero outfit to my regular clothes. Nothing too flashy.

I made sure I portaled myself into the girl's bathroom stall before coming out

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I made sure I portaled myself into the girl's bathroom stall before coming out. I washed my hands before leaving the room. Ugh, people are still in the hallway trying to get to second period. I was hoping I would come in late so I wouldn't have to deal with everyone. But no, everyone was looking at the TV. I didn't even pay attention to it as I knew what was playing.

"Tigers, it's been a long, dramatic, somewhat confusing road," I heard...Becky? Betty? Betsy? Whoever her name is. I couldn't care about it. "As we draw this year to a close, it's time to move a new phase of our lives."

"Pray nothing crazy happens again because are The Avengers even a thing anymore?" the co-anchor asked. I could answer that for him. No. The Avengers aren't a thing anymore. "Does anyone even have a plan?"

I rolled my eyes. Yeah, I have a plan. Go to school, help Pepper with the company in any way that I can, an kick some bad guy butt on the way.

"Hey, Rachel," I heard MJ say as she walked next to me.

"MJ," I greeted curtly. I reached my locker and let out another annoyed sigh when I saw more cards.

"Something tells me you're excited about the science trip."

"Ecstatic," I replied sarcastically as I took the cards off my locker. The gifts have died down but a few people would like to stick more sympathy cards on my locker. It's not just of Tony though. It would be of everyone from The Avengers.

MJ took out her notebook. "Here are the notes for last period."

I took it from her. "Thanks." I grabbed my textbook from my locker before slamming it shut. "I'm already dreading this class trip." Because I wouldn't be able to do my work.

"Isn't it your anniversary?" she asked.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"You don't sound excited about it."

"When have I ever been excited about anything?" I asked. I know I should be because this is my very first anniversary with Peter here. Technically, this would have been our sixth anniversary.

"That's also true." She gave a small grin. "How much you want to bet Peter's going ballistic about what to get you?"

Yeah, I could recall all the times' Peter would ask me about my opinion about something. He would hold up a girl shirt and ask me which one I would prefer. Or he would ask me which candy bar I would prefer. Even soda.

"I told him don't go overboard," I said.

"Have you decided what you're going to get him?"

"Not yet." I'll figure it out eventually.

MJ and I entered our classroom. "Speaking of Peter -" MJ trailed off as she motioned to Peter and Ned. I rolled my eyes as we walked up to them. Ned motioned to us and Peter started to panic. "What up, dorks? Excited about the science trip?"

Pete's mouth was agape as he looked at me. I leaned over the desk and gave him a quick peck on his cheek, which seemed to snap his out of his gaze.

"Hey," he said. "Uh, yeah...We were just talking about the trip."

"Yeah, and Peter's plan," Ned added.

I raised my brow, ignoring MJ's look. "You have a plan?" I asked.

"I don't - I don't have a plan," he lied.

"No, he's just gonna collect tiny spoons when we're traveling to other countries," Ned continued then gave Peter a wink that I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to see.

"Like a grandmother?" MJ replied flatly.

"Or a very lonely lady," I added.

Peter's mouth was open as he tried to form the right sentence. "I'm not collecting tiny spoons," he said. Then pointed at Ned. "He's collecting tiny spoons."

"Oh, ok, well...that was just weird. Maybe you two could stop acting like idiots or something."

"Rach, did you download the VPN on your phone so the government can't track you while we're abroad?" MJ asked me.

I shook my head. "I didn't. Thanks for reminding me." I motioned to our table. "We should probably sit down before the bell rings."


Peter got up from his seat just when MJ and I turned around. "Rachel," he called out. I turned to look at him. "Are you still coming to that thing I have later today?"

Right, May is hosting some big charity even and wants Spider-Man to be the special guest.

I nodded. "Wouldn't miss it."


A/N: You guys remember, Raven isn't acting like her usual self that's why she's a bit bitchy. Please, don't hate on her for being a terrible girlfriend.

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