Tony's Gift

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"Ready to open it?" Peter, suited up, asked

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"Ready to open it?" Peter, suited up, asked.

I shook my head as I moved the small box toward Peter. "You open it," I said.

Within that hour of returning home, Peter told me about May and Happy's 'relationship.' If they can even call it that. Happy says they were dating but May said it was just a fling. This is probably the biggest shock I've gotten but now that I think about it - he has been spending a lot of time with her lately. Peter then surprised me with a small box. I was very confused and thought it was another gift from him until he told me it wasn't. It was from Tony. So we've been sitting in my bed for the last 10 minutes while I tried not to psych myself out into opening it.

Sliding the box back he said, "Mr. Stark wanted you to open it." I took a shaky breath until a small pile of books from my desk exploded. Peter jumped. "Shit!"

"Which is why you should open it. Anxiety is getting the best of me, right now."

He wrapped his arms around me. "Which is why I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you alone. Just...don't punch me again, please." Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the box. My mouth flew open when I saw a red gem inside. "It's an Ajna chakra. Mr. Stark told me you'll know what it's for..."

I nodded. "Yeah. It, um, it's supposed to link to my perception, awareness, and spiritual communication. Tony found me reading about it and said he'll help me find one. More importantly, it'll help me keep my powers in check. So whatever I want to feel, I can feel it without hiding it." I motioned to the pile of torn books. "Stuff like that won't happen."

"Will it change you?"

"Who knows? There are different versions of the outcome. Either one person becomes extremely happy or they get a new view of the world. But in reality, I think it just makes them who they're supposed to be." I took the gem out and handed it to Peter. "Can you help me put it on?"

"Put it on?"

I pointed at the center of my forehead. "Just place it there."

"It won't hurt you or anything, right?"

"I'm gonna grow a third eye," I deadpanned sarcastically. "My magic will keep it in place."

"Ok." Peter took a deep breath before carefully placing the gem in the middle of my forehead. Dark tendrils began to surround the gem before it sunk into my skin. His eyes widened when the gem began shining for a few seconds and couldn't help but smile in amazement. "How does it feel?"

"I feel," I began. I felt my vision getting blurry as my words were coming out no more than a slur. "I feel...I feel..." My eyes rolled to the back of my head before blacking out.


When I woke up, I wasn't in my room. Peter wasn't next to me. I slowly stood up in an unfamiliar place. I don't know where I am. There's nothing but a dusty plain. The sunset glow of the place reminded me of the time Pepper took me to the mountains when she wanted to have that morning walk.

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