He's Back

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No one man should have all that power
The clock's tickin', I just count the hours
Stop trippin' I'm trippin' off the power
'Til then, fuck that, the world's ours
- Power, Kanye West

No one man should have all that powerThe clock's tickin', I just count the hoursStop trippin' I'm trippin' off the power'Til then, fuck that, the world's ours- Power, Kanye West

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I don't know what happened. All I know is that my body was being thrown while the Avengers Headquarters was blown up. I started coughing up the residue that was in my mouth before I slowly held myself up by my elbows. I looked around to see everything destroyed. The building was nothing but rubble and ash. I spotted Terra not that far from me. She was groaning as one of the beams got lodged in her upper forearm.

"Ok, next time, I'm not gonna push you out of the way," she panted as she gripped the beam. She closed her eyes and tried to pull it out of her but she ended up groaning from the pain.

I lifted my hand. "This is gonna hurt," I said. My eyes glowed before I levitated the beam. I didn't even count to three before I ripped it off her. Terra groaned in pain as I got up. I didn't drop the beam but I levitated it towards her heart.

"Raven, what are you doing?" she panicked as I walked towards her. She tried to lift her injured arm but grit her teeth and her head fell back. "Raven?" The sheer look of panic and fear was on her face as I brought the beam closer to her heart. "Raven!"

With a flick of my wrist, I tossed the beam aside before offering my hand. "I'm not going to kill you, not yet. Just because you pushed me out of the way doesn't mean we're ok. But right now, we have the same enemy so I'm going to put that hate on pause."

Terra grabbed my hand with her good one and I yanked her up. I grabbed my communicator and started to call Starfire. She picked up after a few rings and I could see her running and panting. Her eyes were glowing as she shot one of her starbolts.

"Star?" I rushed out.

"Raven," she answered back. In the background, I see Clint with the gauntlet with him as he shot one of his arrows. I heard something screech.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

She grabbed Clint before she flew up. Clint shot another arrow and it created this small explosion. "I don't know! There are monsters running after us! Hurry."

The communication died after that. "Let me go find them," Terra said. I was about to deny but she cut me off. "Listen, you can hate me all you want. But I'm trying here. I still feel bad about what happened to us. I really wanted us to be friends and I sided with the bad guy. I get it, I made a stupid mistake. I want us to be ok, again. Let me do this." She glanced behind me. "I think he's gonna need you more."

I looked back to see Tony and Steve. Relief washed over me to see them ok. I pulled my hood up. "Go," I said.

I walked over to Tony and Steve. Tony rushed over and gave me a tight side hug. "You ok, kiddo?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I pulled away from him and looked at Cap. "What the hell was that?"

"Time biting us in the ass that's what," Tony responded as we started walking.

It wasn't long before we found Thor outside just staring at something. Actually, it was more like someone. My hands clenched by my side as I see the purple raisin sitting not that far from us. He wasn't moving. He was looking at his hand. My glare intensified. Time really did bite us in the ass if they brought Thanos back. But...how is it that he's here? I don't think someone is stupid enough to actually bring him back.

"What's he been doing?" Tony asked the god.

Thor shook his head. "Absolutely nothing."

"Where are the stones?" Steve wondered.

"They're with Clint and Star," I answered. I glared at Thanos. "Don't know where and it better stay like that. Rather have them under here than out there with him."

Steve nodded. "We better keep it that way."

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor mostly stated.

"Yeah. I don't much care," Tony said. Neither do I. Tony noticed my eyes slowly flickered between their regular color to red. "And it looks like Rae Rae's getting to unleash her demons."

"Good. Just as long we are all in agreement." Thunder crackled over us before Thor stretched out his hands. Lightning struck him as Stormbreaker and Mjolnir flew towards his hands. His clothes transformed into his armor and cape with his beard getting a small braid. "Let's kill him properly this time."

We jumped down from the rubble and slowly walked over to the Spoiled Eggplant. Thanos had a stupid victory grin on his face. But that bitch hasn't even won. And he's not gonna.

"You could not live with your own failure," he began as we got closer. "Where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life...the other half would thrive. But you've shown me...that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn," Tony commented.

"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do." Thanos stood up. "I will shred this universe down to its last atom." He put on his helmet as we tried to surround him, getting closer as we prepared to attack the bitch. "And then...with the stones you've collected for me...create a new one. Teeming with life, that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given." Thor lit himself up while dark mist started to form around my clenched hands. Thanos yanked his blade from the ground and looked at all of us. "A grateful universe."

"Born out of blood," Steve clarified.

"They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them."


A/N: Just kidding. The fight is the next chapter and then the biggest fight along with a certain reunion is after that!

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