I'll Destroy Her, Too

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Peter wasn't sure what hurt the most. His aching body from being thrown around or his broken heart.

I'm done, Peter. I'm done with this trip and I'm done with you.

"It wasn't me, though," Peter cried softly as he looked at Raven's communicator in his hands. 

MJ found one of Quentin Beck's drones that created the illusion that the Elementals were there. Which explains why none of their attacks wore working besides Mysterio's. Peter realized how stupid he was for trusting Quentin and giving him EDITH. He made sure to close the curtains to his hotel room and tried to call Fury. He came clean to MJ, how he's Spider-Man and how Rachel Roth is actually an ex Teen Titan/Avengers member, Raven. It was a lot for MJ to process but she had to admit she was proud of herself for figuring it out in the beginning. Especially since Raven didn't use a disguise and only changed her name.

MJ rushed into Peter's room. "Did you find her?" she asked since Ned told him that she's back. She saw the heartbroken look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"She broke up with me," Peter mumbled.

"What?" MJ furrowed her brows. "That's crazy why would she break up with you? Didn't you tell her about Mysterio being a fake?"

"I didn't get a chance to. She wouldn't have believed me anyway. She trusts his word over mine."

"That's stupid, why would she believe some stranger she barely knows?" She let out an annoyed growl. "Ugh, I knew there was something fishy about him. There was no way he is some caretaker." She looked at Peter again. "Why would she believe him anyway?"

"Because she looks up to him." Peter slowly got up. "He knew we were fighting and wanted to make a wedge between us because he knows she can kill him without hesitation. I have never seen her so mad at me before."

"But that doesn't explain why she broke up with you."

Peter's mind went back to the fight.

Shouldn't you be kissing MJ, right now?

So you're telling me that I didn't see MJ confess to you?

Peter gave MJ a questioning look. "MJ, you don't have feelings for me, right?" he asked. He wanted to make sure it wasn't true.

"No," MJ answered in a way that says why would I. "I never liked you that way. I wouldn't do that to her."

Peter sighed in relief. "Thank, God." MJ raised her brow. "It's not you, I swear. I mean, you're nice and cool in your own way. I just don't feel about you in that way too but..." Peter took a deep breath. He tried to calm his breathing so he wouldn't say anything to make the situation worst. "Mr. Beck created another illusion when he was with Raven. And I wanted to make sure it wasn't true."

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