What's Wrong With You?

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I don't know what happened during the 10-minute break but Brad kept insisting to sit next to me on the bus

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I don't know what happened during the 10-minute break but Brad kept insisting to sit next to me on the bus. If it weren't for MJ, I might have been sitting next to him. Since she knew me so well MJ yanked me away from Brad so I could sit next to her. All though, I didn't notice the small glare she sent him before we went on the bus. Don't know what it was about but...I'm not gonna question her about it.

"Hey, Rach?" MJ called out to me.

I didn't take my eyes away from my book. "Yeah."

"I don't think you should hang around Brad anymore."

Ok, that's a bit odd. MJ isn't one to tell me to not hang around someone. I glanced at her. "Why's that?"

She looked behind us before giving me a very serious look. "It's really obvious that he likes you."

I scoffed. "Sure, he does."

"It's true. Why do you think he's been hanging around us during the trip and trying to be alone with you?"

"That doesn't say much. The only thing we've done is sit next to each other on the plane." This time I gave her a serious look. "Even if we were alone together, nothing would happen. I'm with Peter. He knows that."

MJ looked behind us once again. I followed her gaze to see her glaring at Brad, who was nervously fidgeting with his phone. "You know he's trying to break you two up, right? He thinks since you two are fighting it might happen."

I closed my book. "Just because Peter and I got into a little argument doesn't mean I'm gonna break up with him."

She sighed. "Look, I know you're not stupid like everyone else but...this is something I think I should warn you about." I raised my brow when MJ pulled out her phone. "Brad sent me this earlier and thought I should show you."

I looked at the photo. I wanted to hit Peter over the head. To anyone else, it looked like Peter was about to have sex with a random stranger because his pants are down. But it's just one of SHIELD's workers measuring him for his new suit. Even the designer looked irritated in the photo. And I'm pretty sure Peter couldn't come up with anything so it makes him look like a cheater.

"Oh, Pepper's tailor arrived," I said.

"You know her?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Tony made sure she had a few on call around the world. In case of a 'fashion' emergency. Peter ripped his pants last minute so I had to call Olga." I looked at Peter, who was crouching in the very front of the bus. "Peter must have been scared to say anything to Brad."

"Now, Brad thinks he cheated on you," MJ slowly nodded in understanding.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"Do you think Peter would ever cheat on you?"

"No," I answered truthfully. "I've known Peter long enough to know the kind of person he is. You know, people assumed that he was only dating me because I'm Tony's adoptive daughter? If that were true, then he would have broken things off once he got his internship. He didn't and he's not using me. And I know he wouldn't cheat even if we fight. Now, do you think Peter would?"

"No way." This time I looked toward Peter, only to find him up in his seat with EDITH on. He was panicking about something. "And if he ever did and I knew about, I would tell you."

"And I would believe you," I muttered. My eyes squinted as Flash grabbed EDITH and put them on. Peter tried to take them back but accidentally knocked Flash out.

"EDITH, don't kill Brad," Peter mumbled loud enough for me to hear. Don't kill Brad? What did Peter do? I looked back to see one of the Killdroids flying behind the bus. My eyes widened.

"Did you just punch Flash?" I heard one of the girls ask.

"No," Peter responded.

I got up from my seat. "I'll be right back," I told MJ.

She nodded. Hopefully, no one is looking back. And, hopefully, no one is gonna look while I knock some sense into Peter.

Peter suddenly turned around and used his web shooter against the steering wheel and turned it. I was flung to the side as the bus did a sharp turn. My hands gripped the seat as I heard something break. Looking toward the driver's side, the side-view mirror was shot at. Dimitri made another sharp turn, which almost flung the bus off the side of the road. I stumbled more until I reached Peter.

"What the hell did you just do?" I snapped at him.

"Hey, this is not the autobahn!" I heard Mr. Dell shout.

"EDITH," Peter quickly tried to fix his mistake. Except, Peter wasn't wearing his glasses. I looked around and found EDITH on the steps on the bus and grabbed it.

I quickly put them on Peter. "Here."

"Peter. Rachel," Mr. Harrington call us. "Plant your fannies and buckle up now."

The Killdroids were planning their second strike. I pointed toward the side window. "Look at the baby mountain goats!"

I swear, Mr. Harrington's eyes - along with the other students - sparkled. "Baby mountain goats?" Everyone rushed out of their seats and went toward the side of the bus to see the nonexistent goats. I glared at Peter. "Peter -"

"I'll explain later, just help me get rid of it," he rushed before jumping out of the bus through the roof's emergency exit.

I shook my head before I flew up and followed him. Peter shot his webs at the Killdroid's engine before pulling it apart. The Killdroid began smoking until it almost crashed near the bus. My hand shot out before I engulfed the droid with dark matter and send it crashing to the side. With that done, Peter and I quickly went back inside the bus right as everyone turned back around.

"I don't see any mountain goats," Mr. Harrington stated sadly.

"You missed them," Peter panted. His hair was all toused up and now that I got a good look at mine through the mirror, my hair was as well.

"I know you think none of us have noticed, you guys..." Betty began. "But you wanted to have a makeout session, at least wait till we get off the bus." She looked at Ned. "Right, babe?"

I'm certain Peter's red like a tomato. This time I looked toward Brad, who looked like someone just kicked a puppy. Then I remember my conversation with MJ. "We've made up," I told Betty, but loud enough for him to hear. Peter and I quickly sat down. "Explain. Now."

"There's not much -"

"Peter, we've just destroyed a billion-dollar droid because you've sent it to kill Brad," I scolded quietly. "What's wrong with you?"

"It was an accident, I swear."

"How do you accidentally send a Killdroid?" I let out a frustrated breath. "Never mind. It's you after all."

"Me? Raven, Brad is trying to take you away from me."

"Yeah, I know that. I just had this conversation with MJ about it. Nothing is going on with Brad and me. He knows I'm with you. And I'm not going to leave you for someone like him. I fell in love with you, not him." I crossed my arms and looked away from him. "And I know about the picture." Peter's eyes widened. "I know he's gonna make you seem like a bad guy even though that's not true because I trust you. And I thought you could trust me...but I guess that's not true."

"Raven, I do trust you. It's just...I don't trust him." He placed his hand on my knee. "Can you please look at me?" I slowly turned. "I know I should have come to you about this. But...with everything happening right now...I just thought you'd be mad. It seems like, lately, I haven't been able to make you happy. And that's what I wanted to do on this trip. Only it seems like I can't now because Nick Fury hijacked it."

Go easy on the kid, I heard that small voice that sounds like Tony. You have been a little harsh on him.

I sighed. "Peter, you don't have to do so much to make me happy." I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together. "As long as I have you, I couldn't ask for more."

That's my Rae Rae.

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