I'm Done

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I know I promised Quentin to control my anger but at this point I'm furious

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I know I promised Quentin to control my anger but at this point I'm furious. After Quentin dropped me off at the hotel, I pretty much marched toward my room. All I could see is MJ in Peter's arms and Peter not pushing her away. And the fact that he actually kissed her back makes me more pissed. Ugh, I hate them. I hate him.

"Hey, Raven," Ned greeted as he saw me.

My eyes turned red as I sneered at Ned. If I had fangs, I would have been hissing at him. Ned jumped back and knocked one of the vases from the hotel as I marched to my room. Did Ned know about Peter and MJ? Did Peter tell him not to tell me? I bet he did. They're best friends after all so why wouldn't he tell him?

I didn't care at this point. I used my powers to slam my door open and shut as I entered my room. My suitcase levitated to my bed as I made the rest of my clothes fly into the case. Slamming everything that was open. I rushed toward the bathroom and grabbed all my essentials before shoving them into my case. Glancing at my communicator, I realize I only got fifteen minutes before I have to go meet up with Quentin and the others.

MJ and Peter.

 Peter and MJ.

MJ and Peter kissing.

Peter didn't push her away.

He actually kissed her back.

My hands started to shake from the memory before my entire suitcase blew up. My clothes scattered around the room. Why would he do this to me? How could he do this to us?

My room door opened. "Raven?" Peter let out a breath of relief. Are you kidding me? Peter is the last person I want to see right now. He noticed the scattered clothes around the room. "What happened in here?" Then he shook his head and came closer. "Nevermind. I need to talk to you about -"

"Get the hell away from me," I cut him off with a sneer, not looking at him.

Peter was confused. "What?"

I clenched my bedsheets as my chest pounded violently. "You're really asking me that?" I turned and glared at him. "Shouldn't you be kissing MJ, right now?

Peter furrowed his brows. "Why would I kiss MJ?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I marched up to him. "So you're telling me that I didn't see MJ confess to you?"

Peter's eyes widened. Ha, he's caught. "What? MJ didn't confess anything to me?"

Why the hell is he lying? "Then that wasn't you guys kissing just a few hours ago?"

"A few hours ago?" Peter started shaking his head. "I did meet up with MJ -" My fist clenched as dark matter engulfed it. My eyes glowed brightly. "- but nothing happened. We found out that -"

I can't hear another one of his excuses. I hear what lie he's been trying to come up with. I brought my hand up and send some dark energy around Peter. My fist clenched before thrusting Peter out the window. I threw him a few buildings over until he was on another rooftop. His body rolled on the ground as I followed him. I landed on the ground and levitated him again.

"I saw you, Peter!" I shouted. I tossed him toward the nearest building. His body crashed into the wall before I levitated him again. I threw his body again towards the fire escape. "You cheated on me with her!" Peter landed on the ground with a hard thud. "And you want to come here and lie to my face about it!"

Peter groaned before plopping himself on his elbows. "Raven, I swear I didn't cheat on you," he grunted before slowly getting up. "Nothing happened between MJ and me. It was all an illusion created by Quentin Beck to -"

He did not just bring Quentin into this. The guy who's been helping us. The guy who lost his family. The guy the he entrusted EDITH with. Is Peter so willing to cover his own ass that he'll blame someone else? And blaming Quentin, nonetheless?

I brought my hand up again. Dark matter surrounding it as I have it sent around his throat to make him stop talking. "Stop lying! Quentin wouldn't do anything like that. Unlike you, he's been honest with me and I'm not going to let you ruin that!"

I raised my other hand up to send my dark energy beam at him but stopped when I looked at the bracelet Quentin gave me. The green gem looking at me. He wouldn't want me to do this. I shouldn't stoop to their level and hurt Peter any more than he deserves. I don't need him. I don't need anybody else if they're just gonna leave.

My eyes reverted back to their original color as I dropped Peter on the ground. He was gasping for air while looking up at me.

"You're not worth it," I admitted. I slowly pulled up my hood and created a portal behind me, my mind already making a decision. "This is the last time we'll ever see each other. Have fun being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

I went to go through the portal but I felt Peter's hand on my wrist. "Raven, it's not what -"

Without looking at him, I yanked my hand away. "I'm done, Peter. I'm done with this trip and I'm done with you."

I didn't dare to look back. I walked through the portal, dropping the last thing Peter can use to get in touch with me.

My communicator.

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