Panic Attack

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I held onto my cup of coffee tightly as Peter chugged his second glass of lemonade from the straw

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I held onto my cup of coffee tightly as Peter chugged his second glass of lemonade from the straw. I know what Fury said to Peter is still getting to him so I grabbed one of his hands and held it. Peter laced our fingers together and held it tightly.

"Hey," Quentin called us. He placed his hand on Peter's shoulder and continued with," You two gotta celebrate. We did something good tonight."

"At what cost?" I muttered as I took a sip. "Sure the Fire Elemental is gone but we almost lost you as well." Peter's gaze was still on his milk so I shook his shoulder. "Hey, don't let what Fury said get to you."

"But he's right," Peter argued. "Tony did a lot for I owe it to him, to everybody."

"Do you?" Quentin disagreed.

"Yeah. I mean... Mr. Stark gave me the chance to be more. He wanted me to be better than him. And Fury wants me to live up to that."

"Who cares what Fury wants," I said. "It's your decision. What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Peter repeated but he sounded angrier as he looked at me. "What do I want?" Quentin nodded from behind. "I want to go back on my trip with my friends. I want to spend time with you on our anniversary. And take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower so I tell shout to the world how much you mean to me."

"Oh," Quentin gushed.

Peter ignored that. "But lately all you want to do is go and be a superhero. Even when we agreed to put that on pause so we could spend some quality time together, you just runoff. It's like...It's like you don't even care about us anymore."

I removed my hand from his. "So I'm the problem, now? You don't like it when I'm trying to save people?" I asked as I felt myself get angry. I slowly nodded. "Ok, fine. Maybe you should stay here then. I'll just leave with Fury tomorrow."

Peter sighed. "Raven, I don't mean it like -"

"Of course, you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't have said it. People tend to tell the truth when they're angry. Nice to know how you really feel."

Quentin decided to cut in. "Hey, hey. No more arguing. We're supposed to celebrate." He looked at me. "Raven, you should go easy on him and understand where Peter's coming from. He's got this entire day planned just for the two of you because he wants to make it special. Nothing could be more romantic than dinner at the Eiffel Tower. And like you said before, Fury needs to remember that you're still a teenager. You've been responsible for everything so maybe it's time to take a small break and enjoy yourself." He grinned at Peter. "I'm a bit of a sucker for romance myself."

"I can't when people need my help," I muttered.

"It's fine. I'm sure we can come up with another plan but you need to enjoy your vacation with your boyfriend." Quentin wrapped his arm around Peter and squeezed his cheeks together. "Are you really going to say no to this face?"

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